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Everything posted by nk14

  1. thanx for your replies guys. The caffein shampoo/lotion issue has been mentioned before in this forum:http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/showthread.php?t=150865. This new product seems to be a new trend in europe. The studies behind it are in this website:http://www.alpecin.de/en/research/studies.php. I just found it a good idea since no side effects are mentioned. It may be just another snake-oil product but i'll try it anyways. I'll post any effect this lotion may have on my hair/scalp in 5 months if anyone is interested. Cheers -nk
  2. Congratulations for your forum. It helped me a lot.I'm 22 years old, i started loosing hair about a year ago. In one year, almost all my hair in the MPB area have thinned and my temples are receding. I'm starting to panick and want to take action. From what i have read in this forum, propecia and rogain are recommended. Propecia will be my first choice.However i wouldnt start rogain since you HAVE to stay on it permanently. Although i know that no other topical treatments have proof that they actually work, i want to take my chances and experiment. I have read about a German shampoo (Alpecin) with caffeine that claims to stop hair loss. If anyone has tried it please reply. Also any comments about my thoughts are welcome. Thank you NK
  3. Congratulations for your forum. It helped me a lot.I'm 22 years old, i started loosing hair about a year ago. In one year, almost all my hair in the MPB area have thinned and my temples are receding. I'm starting to panick and want to take action. From what i have read in this forum, propecia and rogain are recommended. Propecia will be my first choice.However i wouldnt start rogain since you HAVE to stay on it permanently. Although i know that no other topical treatments have proof that they actually work, i want to take my chances and experiment. I have read about a German shampoo (Alpecin) with caffeine that claims to stop hair loss. If anyone has tried it please reply. Also any comments about my thoughts are welcome. Thank you NK
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