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Posts posted by 67mph

  1. This is kinda interesting, some people discard this possiblity that masturbation is somehow related to hairloss, perhaps without even researching the idea, discard it as sillyness even and i'm not sure why, actually it might be the fact the words wanking and hairloss have come up and you couldn't get further opposites of the joyous and anxiety spectrum if you tried!


    What i mean is, what if we (male hairloss sufferers) found out that masturbating did cause hairloss, oh boy!?


    Can you imagine being a member/forum poster on the WankingRestorationNetwork.com, oh boy now that would hurt!


    It's like one of those late night drunken conversations;-


    If you had to have one cut off, what would it be ...a leg or an arm?

    If you had to lose you sight or your hearing, what would it be?

    If you had to have MPB or stop masturabating, then which?


    scary stuff, but, good look in your 'research' guys!




  2. Bullitnut ...Bullitnut, Bullitnut, Bullitnut!


    What a journey (journey for us also to get through the whole thread as i just did, haa), you should be chuffed, i think you are chuffed, hek' you've told us you're chuffed so well done.


    Glad to hear you're getting your life back to the way it should be and i bet now you're not worrying about your scalp as much, but i'm sure as hell you're finding something else to worry about and when that happens you know the HT's (the better of the 4 HT's) have worked out how you wanted.


    Well done to all the team that worked on getting you where you wanted to be, i hear nothing but good stuff about those guys at SMG.




  3. After taliking to quite a few people on here ive been told that it would be a good idea to start using Propecia, but im a bit worried about the side effects,


    my only major concern is the risk of cancer through taking the medication


    please help




    You can get all the feedback you desire here, and research the pages upon pages of posts on this great little forum, but if you're 'a bit' worried about side effects and you have ' a major concern' in getting cancer, then, don't bother with Propecia, it's that simple.


    Good luck sjones23.



  4. Thankyou for the posts so far, each one in their own right has helped, Mike Beehner M.D has raised a few key points to bear in mind when looking into this question.


    Considering the question i put forward, very few (from the physicians, professionals, big forum posters, the newbies and all that's in between) have come forward to try and answer 'the' very main question impo, i mean, is there a bigger question to ask?


    i was hoping for more conclusive and 'shots in the dark' posts, and considering the thousands that get follicluar transaction operations each year, i'd have thought these very same people would be tripping over themselves to answer my question, or, atleast tell me what they've found out the case to be so far.


    Shall i take it that the men and women who have had HTs have gone for their operation not knowing whether their HT will last a few months, let alone years?


    I know it's not as black and white as we'd wish but some conclusive evidence would help my mind be put at ease.




  5. This is the very number one question i ask my self each time i go on the forums and delve further into my research;-


    Is Follicular Unit Transplantation permanent?


    It seems i never get the answer i'm looking for, so i'm posting it here to see what response i get, what do we all think and is there concrete evidence (anywhere!) that HTs last a life time, or at least last for a fair amount of years.


    Who's the oldest transplant patient, and i don't mean a case of a 94 year old having a HT last week, i'm talking a HT patient who had a HT (in it's earliest form) years and years ago and still has those very transplanted follicles sitting proudly in his head ...etc


    If this has been answered, can you point me in the direction of 'the best' answer, please!




  6. Tubs hasn't been on the forum since November 2009, anybody have any ideas why?


    Has the HT been that good a result that he has totally forgotten about his old balding self, or has the HT grown into a disaster and he can't quite understand why and has locked himself away in a cupboard some place, jokes aside.


    His story being one of the better outcomes, had me questioning why he hasn't been here to update or stay in touch with other posts, or is this what happens once you've had a great HT, you simply move on and start living life again...!



  7. appreciate the feedback NewHairPlease, just seen that you'll be going for a megasession in Jan 2012, big build up now i bet and the very best of luck, well not luck you shouldn't need that, but you know what i mean, i bet it works out for you.



  8. thanks again chaps, the dirty deed has been done, downloaded and uploaded.


    a lesson i have learnt is that denial can be a wonderful thing, haa!






    oh, and yes, it was as bad as i thought i do have a classic case of diffuse thinning, oh blimey.

  9. Good stuff, the thread and following posts have been an interesting read, thanks chaps.


    My response is going to be short and possibly contraversial,haa.


    I don't think there's any such thing as a stand alone ht, as we're at a stage where we think ht's are pretty much permanent but have not yet gathered the 100% proof the hair being transplanted is for life despite all the optimism we just can't guarantee a 'for life' result, we just can't right?

    So, unless (sometime in the far distant future) we find a 94yr old fella who had a ht when he was say 32 in say 2011, and the day before he pops his clogs we ask so, how was that one ht you had all those years a go Mr 94 yr old man? ...Well, we won't know the answer just yet!


    In the mean time, the optimistic and not so optimistic posts make for great reading.


    Hope i make sense, i'm typing this om my small samsung mobile phone.




  10. Hi all,


    I know a lot of you go ahead and take multiple pics of the top of your heads, back of your heads side of your heads, but, what if like me you're very anxious (and scared to say the least) about seeing just how bald you might be but taking these pictures and having to view them to post on line?


    To get an online consultation these pictures are essential but i can hardly face seeing a picture of me enjoying myself on holiday let alone my MPB hang-ups in all it's glory, in the viewer on a digital camera!


    Is it really a case of shutting up and putting up and getting on with the job in hand in order to get further along the hair restoration path, and having to bite the bullet and take the damn pictures?


    ...oh man.




  11. I need to understand this, are we sayin neither of them have had a ht and its simply a good television concealer trick? Decs hair (i feel bad for saying) looked quite thin early last year and before that was pap'd with diffuse thinning, so he and his make-up person have only just discovered concealer? Same goes for paddy? I'm not so sure, dec has had a very good ht imo and will need another ht a little down the line. High profile celebs are a prime case in question and prime studies for ht researchers, if you know what imean.

  12. Id say they both have, paddy has had the time to let a ht work its magic as he isnt on television as often as dec. Decs looks amazing, considering the stage it was at, i was following his hairloss quite closely as it was close to my experience and he's the same age as me. They move in the same circles (robbbie williams & johnny wilkes etc) so they may have helped each other out. Just wished if they have had the hts that they came out about it.

  13. Brian? ...it's been a while, which i'm assuming is because your hair woes are almost none exsisting!

    I hope you're doing well and have the time to check in with us exsisting worrier warriors, ha.

    Oh, and, really, when is that 2nd book on it's way?




  14. I can only applaud Wayne Rooney for doing this, i suddenly have the upmost respect for him.

    For someone like this (huge public figure) to come out can only inspire us guys right?

    Wayne Rooney is doing alot of the leg work here, in that all we have to do to see the results of a FUE is tune into Match of the Day each Saturday night, happy days!


    In answer to some of the negative comments regarding how good or bad the UK may be when it comes to HT's, i hope the people making the comments are seasoned veterans in the field, know enough results and know of experiences from all the people that have been through HTs (up and down the land) enough to justify their comments.


    ...back to thread, Wayne Rooney has done us a massive favour, we can watch this pan out and gives us a living case in study.


    regards, 57mph

  15. top replies guys thanks, i wasn't actually speaking about my own situation i was just putting it out there to see the diversity of the responses and strong opinions people have about the 'best time to have a HT' subject and, well the replies so far have been great, thanks.


    anyone else with an idea of the best time, we're talking ideal world (hey we'd have hair right?) to have a HT whoever you maybe and i know we're all different but we're all going through the same thing so i'm kinda speaking hypothetically.




  16. Hello all,


    I wanted to put a question out there, from the title line you'll know what it is, a simple question but of course the answers and opinions are probably not.


    All research done, HT surgeon chosen, money aside and all that personal stuff...


    When is the very best time to have a HT?


    - when you've just started thinning?


    - you've been thinning for a while, you're on Finesteride and you think it's stabalised but want extra thickness?


    - you've gone past the thinning stage and though the drugs maybe working you'd like to get it done before people could notice they you've had a HT stage (if that makes sense)?


    - you're completely bald and you know what you're dealing with?


    etc etc


    The answer list is endless i guess but i'd like peoples opinions and i think the only people that know the score are the people that have had a HT done!


    I look forward to replies from all professionals, non-so-professionals and everyone inbetween.



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