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Crown Royal

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Posts posted by Crown Royal

  1. Thanks for the map Tubs, but I don't think I have to worry about that. I drove my car from Philly to Great Neck, NY. I told everyone that I was driving to Hoboken where my friend lives and leaving my car there and then flying to Cali out of LaGuardia Airport. I said that because I said my car would be safer in his driveway in Hoboken for 2 weeks rather than on the streets of Soutwest Philly for 2 weeks (which is actually true). This allowed me to take my car to Great Neck and then I'll drive back to Philly from Great Neck on Tuesday, August 12th, pretending again that I am driving back from Hoboken to Philly icon_biggrin.gif

  2. Bill, if this is in the wrong forum topic feel free to move it. I wasn't sure where to put it.


    So, I recently had an HT with Dr. Feller and his staff this past Friday, August 1st, 2008. The doc and his staff got a kick out of this story so I would like to share it.

    First off, has anyone on here tried to hide their HT from EVERYBODY? By everybody, I mean girlfriend, family and friends? I'm just curious to know if anyone else has or am I the only freak that wanted to pull this off without ANYONE knowing except Dr. Feller and my barber possibly. I also think I may be suited to pull this off as NOBODY has ever seen the extent of my crown loss because it's been covered in Dermatch ever since I noticed it was getting noticeable. I sleep in it, I use a black pillowcase and only wash my hair and reapply the dermatch when my girlfriend isn't home. I'm so self conscious about it that not even my live in girlfriend has seen my full bald crown. So, I will continue to use Dermatch until my HT grows in, then I can ditch the dermatch hopefully or use much less and it should look the same to everyone except more natural and not a fake dermatch look.

    Months before my HT I decided to come up with a story that I would be in California for 2 weeks. One week in Santa Monica with my friend Harry and the 2nd week in L.A. with my cousin Matt. Harry really is my friend in Cali, but not sure if he lives in Santa Monica. Matt really is my cousin and lives in the L.A. area but not sure if he is actually in L.A.

    So, I took 2 weeks off from work with all of them thinking I was heading out to Cali and they were like "we are so jealous, you better take tons of pics!" I'm like, "Definitely, I can't wait to go and just relax on the beach and hit up the bars and clubs." Then I got the following requests for souvenirs:

    -a magnet for a woman I work with (I get her magnets whenever I go somewhere)

    -a Cali t-shirt for my girlfriend, and t-shirts for my son

    -a Cali t-shirt for my next door neighbor

    So, I'm so crazy that I pre-ordered all of those gifts online weeks before my HT and I have them now in a box here in Great Neck, NY. When I return, I will distribute them and that will give them no doubt that I was actually in California. To take it a step further, I am going to go to the local tanning salon here in Great Neck, NY the day my staples are removed (I will wear a hat in the tanning booth icon_smile.gif) and the next day. Hopefully 2 days in the tanning salon will give me that California glow. The only part of the plan that I can't cover is the pictures. I think I will tell them that I either forgot to take pictures or I jumped into the pool or ocean with the camera accidentally in my pocket!

    I also researched both L.A. and Santa Monica for "things to do". I noticed that Santa Monica has a "Muscle Beach", a chess park and a bunch of bars and clubs, so that is what I'll say I did there. In L.A., I noticed that there is a Dodgers Vs. Phillies game next Monday, August 11th at Dodger stadium and I already text messaged a few friends and people from work that I will be at that game in Dodgers Stadium (especially since I'm from Philly, this will help stabilize the believability of my L.A. trip).


    I know this is insane, but it's kind of fun to try and pull it off without ANYONE ever knowing EVER. The only pitfall is that my hair is shaved down very far where the grafts were placed and it's a huge area. I will be heading home next Tuesday, August 12th, so hopefully there is enough peach fuzz for the dermatch to hold on to, so that I can hide in the dermatch once again until the growth kicks in (9 months ??“ ugh!). As you can see from the immediate post op pics, this may be a tought task and I may look very bald from the back in 11 days even with dermatch in that area.


    The funny part is, that I am talking to my girlfriend like 3 or 4 times a day and I have to play it off like I am 3 hours behind her time (in philly), but really we are on the same time (I'm in NY!). So, that is a tricky twist on it. So far so good with playing the 3 hour difference role. For example she called me this morning @ 10am and I pretended all sleepy like I was in bed and said it's only 7am here and I am in bed, let me call you back once I wake up.


    The ultimate pitfall is if there is anyone that I work with that goes to this website and reads my post then I am definitely busted....(thinking now if anyone I work directly with is balding.....no, I think I'm good)


    Finally, I'd like to note that I am not proud of this at all. I do not like to lie, but this is a circumstance for me where I feel like I have to lie because I am so self conscious about the whole thing and I don't want anyone to know I had an HT.


    That's my story. Wish me luck and if anyone has any more suggestions to help me pull this off, I'm all ears


  3. Interesting thread. I just got my HT yesterday with Dr. Feller and he didn't place any grafts himself I don't think. However, he did constantly come in to check the progress and his techs seemed to be very good and you knew he had confidence in their placement the whole way.


    I believe the true results of your HT are dependant upon the slits in which Dr. Feller did them all. I'm not a vet though, but that is my best guess

  4. Thanks Spex, Bill & Richie. I really appreciate the kind words and optimism with my HT. I can't believe I actually went through with it and it's finally over. That is a huge weight off my shoulders. Now it's just the recovery period. The donor area is really tight and annoying, but I managed to get a little sleep last night at the 45 degree angle. I will keep popping the vicodin's to ease the pain. Now I can't wait until I can shampoo my hair gently (I believe on day 3) and then I can't wait to get the staples out.


    I already know from lots of researching not to expect anything til month 6 and even at month 6, not much improvement. I'm just looking forward to actually having hair in my crown for next summer in June, July, August of 09 icon_biggrin.gif


    I just can't wait to go swimming now in public and not having to always have a black pillowcase because I've hidden under dermatch for the last 5 years icon_frown.gif


    I can't wait til Spex or Dr. Feller can post the up close pics he took before and after the procedure so you can get a better idea of the great work that was done


    Thanks again all

  5. I Just wanted to update you on my recent hair transplant. I just got back to my hotel after a 3500 graft crown session with Dr. Feller today. I first want to say that I am more than pleased with the outcome and the whole procedure. I would have to agree with the masses that Dr. Feller is very personable and makes you feel at ease the second you step into his office. He really came up with a detailed plan with the "magic purple marker". I didn't realize how complex my crown patterns were until he drew up the plan then we reviewed it together on his computer from the up close camera shots of the planned area of attack. He took into account how far left my "whorl" started from and how the general direction of the different parts of my crown went. He dense packed 3500 grafts strictly into my crown. I'm sure a lot of people would be against a 29 year old putting that much emphasis just on the crown. Dr. Feller pointed out before hand that my density in the donor area was very good and that I should have good reserves if need be for the future. Additionally he said I was a rare case because I had such a concentrated area of loss in the crown and I was pretty good everywhere else.


    I got there at 7:45 am and walked out with 3500 grafts in my crown at 3:45 pm. I just wanted to say that I am so grateful for this forum and Dr. Feller and his staff. His techs are very friendly and very skilled. I enjoyed the whole procedure. I've added some pics in my weblog from today. Dr. Feller has the best pictures though, so hopefully Spex or Dr. Feller can post some up close shots soon to show you how detailed the transplanted grafts are and how skillfully they mimicked the complex pattern I have on my crown.

    I will try to add updates over the next few days, but gonna crash now in my hotel cause I'm sleepy off the pain killers ????? 

  6. I Just wanted to update you on my recent hair transplant. I just got back to my hotel after a 3500 graft crown session with Dr. Feller today. I first want to say that I am more than pleased with the outcome and the whole procedure. I would have to agree with the masses that Dr. Feller is very personable and makes you feel at ease the second you step into his office. He really came up with a detailed plan with the "magic purple marker". I didn't realize how complex my crown patterns were until he drew up the plan then we reviewed it together on his computer from the up close camera shots of the planned area of attack. He took into account how far left my "whorl" started from and how the general direction of the different parts of my crown went. He dense packed 3500 grafts strictly into my crown. I'm sure a lot of people would be against a 29 year old putting that much emphasis just on the crown. Dr. Feller pointed out before hand that my density in the donor area was very good and that I should have good reserves if need be for the future. Additionally he said I was a rare case because I had such a concentrated area of loss in the crown and I was pretty good everywhere else.


    I got there at 7:45 am and walked out with 3500 grafts in my crown at 3:45 pm. I just wanted to say that I am so grateful for this forum and Dr. Feller and his staff. His techs are very friendly and very skilled. I enjoyed the whole procedure. I've added some pics in my weblog from today. Dr. Feller has the best pictures though, so hopefully Spex or Dr. Feller can post some up close shots soon to show you how detailed the transplanted grafts are and how skillfully they mimicked the complex pattern I have on my crown.

    I will try to add updates over the next few days, but gonna crash now in my hotel cause I'm sleepy off the pain killers ????? 

  7. As you can see from my weblog, I have a much larger area in the crown to cover than you I believe. The initial evaluation is for 3000 grafts, but I may be able to afford upwards of 3700 grafts. Assuming my donor area can support that many, do you think 3700 will be a huge difference for the area I need to cover? Maybe I should go for 3000 and save anything left in the donor for any future loss elsewhere. Just curious. Obviously I will go over all of this with Dr. Feller on the day of surgery.

  8. Richie, do you have any pics with your hair cut short of your scar after 6 months? I'm very curious to see how evident the scar is. I usually wear my hair in the back and sides cut down to a 1.5 razor which is pretty short. I imagine that I will not be able to do that anymore after the HT. What is the lowest razor cut at the barber one can go without the scar line being evident? With time, does the scar get much less evident? I imagine that I will not be able to go lower than a 2.5 or 3 guard in the back or sides anymore after the HT

    Any input will be much welcomed


    P.S. - I just checked in the mirror looking at the back of my head and I think it still looks like I could be in the "safe zone" if the donor comes directly above the "bump"

    very close to the possible future "danger zone" though

  9. Hey guys, I have been on propecia for about 3 years now. I used to take 1 a day, but now I take 1/2 a pill everyday to save money. I will continue this regiment even after surgery.


    Richie, I had been following your blog since you had work done in the crown by Dr. Feller. I have been tracking your progress so far and all looks good for you. Anxious to see your future pics.


    I am also anxious to see more pics from King Crown as his pattern of loss seems very similiar to mine

  10. justgrow,


    Thanks for the reply. We are about 3 days apart on our surgeries. I think that would be great to track our progress together.


    How many grafts are you getting? Would you be able to put up any pics or create a webblog to show some pre-op pics? Let's stay in touch.


    Do you think 3000 grafts will be good coverage for the amount of loss that I have? Just curious to hear peoples opinions on that because I think 3000 should be a significant improvement, but don't want to expect too much only to be let down. I also realize that I won't really see the final result until at least a year after surgery as the crown is slower to grow in.

    Dr. Feller suggested a dense pack to the anterior most part of the loss. I would love to cover the whole area as much as possible, but not sure if 3000 is enough to dense pack the whole area.

  11. One concern that I wanted to toss out to the group. I notice that after a haircut (usually get a fade with a 1.5 in the back and sides) that the hair in the far posterior part lower down seems a little thin. There is enough hair to cover, but it seems like the future may hold a possible horseshoe down there. I hope not! It just seems that it is a little thin right where the possible donor strip would be taken from. Should I suggest to the doctor if he can take the strip lower, where the hair will definitely be thicker or will some docs not go too low?

    I'm just a bit nervous about that because I don't want the donor strip to be taken from a place that may be on the way to balding. Sorry for writing so much, just wondering the groups thoughts on this.

    I will try to put up a pic in my webblog soon to illustrate if I can

  12. Pat & Bill,


    Thank you for the kind words. Yeah, I hope I can ditch the Dermatch after 3000+ grafts in the crown, but I don't want to set my expectations too high.

    Believe it or not, I can disguise everything fairly well with dermatch. Nobody ever makes any comments (maybe they are just being nice), but it's just an annoyance to do everyday and to have to watch wear I put my head and to always use a black pillowcase :-)


    Even if I still need to use a little dermatch a year after surgery, I won't be too dissapointed. Like I said, I expect more loss and possibly another procedure or two down the road. I look at this as just a big step 1 in my journey to have more hair (assuming my donor supply is good enough)

  13. Hello everyone,


    I am definitely not new to this forum. I have been a lurker and a learner for quite some time. I just finally created a webblog with a couple of pre-op pics.

    After years of research, 3 consultations with 3 different docs and combing through tons of posts on this forum, I've decided to have an HT with Dr. Feller on August 1st, 2008.


    There are way too many people to shout out in this forum group that have helped me to learn and have provided inspiration and motivation. It is such a comfort to hear people going through the same thing as me. Thank you so much to everyone.

    I have a couple of pre-op pics in my webblog, but will add more the day of my surgery on August 1st and will track my progress through pics and entries in the months that follow


    Special shout out to Bill, Spex, and Dr. Feller icon_smile.gif

  14. Hello everyone,


    I am definitely not new to this forum. I have been a lurker and a learner for quite some time. I just finally created a webblog with a couple of pre-op pics.

    After years of research, 3 consultations with 3 different docs and combing through tons of posts on this forum, I've decided to have an HT with Dr. Feller on August 1st, 2008.


    There are way too many people to shout out in this forum group that have helped me to learn and have provided inspiration and motivation. It is such a comfort to hear people going through the same thing as me. Thank you so much to everyone.

    I have a couple of pre-op pics in my webblog, but will add more the day of my surgery on August 1st and will track my progress through pics and entries in the months that follow


    Special shout out to Bill, Spex, and Dr. Feller icon_smile.gif

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