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Everything posted by Relavare22

  1. Mrjb, I've never taken any supplements that are in association with my hair loss. I have concluded that it isn't a very good idea for me to even get a consultation until some technological advances in HT. Hopefully my pics and my post can be used as an example to people who have a similar hairline. It's time for me to gain some color and shape. I'll have to suck it up and accept the shiny head for a while .
  2. I would like to thank you all for the information!! I don't mind the shaved head look, but was always curious about whether or not I was even a good candidate for HT. With more knowledge i'll wait until college is over for a consultation. Good luck everyone!!
  3. Wow! So for full coverage, my expectations would be high. Would 8,000 or so grafts be a fair assessment? Thanks for taking the time to help me gain a better understanding. I've been lost. Haha.
  4. I would just like to see what you all think about my current hair loss. I am a 22 year old college student and have been losing hair since about 17 years of age. Do you all think it's worth going for it given my current specifications? How many grafts do you think I would need (just an estimation). Does anyone have a similar recession that has had the procedure done that I could look at? Thanks for your replies!!
  5. I would just like to see what you all think about my current hair loss. I am a 22 year old college student and have been losing hair since about 17 years of age. Do you all think it's worth going for it given my current specifications? How many grafts do you think I would need (just an estimation). Does anyone have a similar recession that has had the procedure done that I could look at? Thanks for your replies!!
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