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Posts posted by omar77

  1. Hello "Smegmaman" is back!! LOL

    I though to start new topic but since the broblem is the same ll continue here.

    I suffer from EXCESSIVE SEBUM.MPB also.

    No matter what i was using in my scalp,those lotions i mentioned and 2 days a week fungoral shampoo(nizoral in US) and epicouric,

    i was still had sebum and still had hairloss.

    All of my hair was starting to thin.I was seeing that i was going to become NW6 really soon(I m between 3 and 4 now i think)

    I was very dissapointed.

    One friend of my brother told me about one old lady that had helped a friend of his in the past with hairloss and he suggested to go see her.

    I didnt believe that i ll have any luck and that 99% all this was a crap but i had nothing to loose,i would loose all of my hair anyway.

    So i went to find her.She gave me 2 cups with a green mixure and told me to go again when finish.

    I swear to GOD this thing really worked for me.

    My sebum gone and my hair started to getting thick.I m about 1.5 years now using this stuff and i experience no sebum and no hairloss anymore.

    My problem now is this.There is no guarante about if i ll be able to use that for life,cause the lady dont say how she makes it.

    I have no idea what she uses,i only know it works.2 times i stopped it about a month each time cause of traveling and i started to have sebum again.

    I want to have a hairtransplant with DR Hasson but i m worried about further loss if i stop using it.

    I dont know what to do icon_frown.gif

    should i continue using it , get trasplant and when i wont be able to use it anymore look for "commercial" solutions?

    Should i stop using it now,find other solution(if i find) and then get trasplant?

    Is there any way to find out what this thing contains?I can send it if someone can analyse it.

    I know many people will react and wont believe me as it happened in a greek forum i said the same things.I m not saying its some magic lotion or anything it justs keeps my scalp clean from sebum and therefore i m not loosing anymore hair(at least so far)

  2. Hi i m 30 years old i m NW3, i m on finasterine about 3 years with great results.

    My hairloss has completely stopped

    My crown was almost totaly empty and now half of it has fulled completely with hair and half of it is still little thin .

    I also see in my front of my head very small and thin hair and some new follicles.

    I have never use minoxidil before because i was afraid that my healthy hair would come addicted to minoxidil and i ll loose that too if i ever stop it.

    Does it happens so?

    This thin hair and the new follicles will become normal hair with minoxidil?

    I dont know if i m loosing better results with no using it or if i ll regret it if i start using it please help icon_rolleyes.gif


    sorry about my english i m greek icon_biggrin.gif

  3. It's generic but this dundruff make it even more harder.Well my doctor called it smigmatorria(???’???????·???????????±????????????????????????????±) and searching Greek sites I come up to it many times it isnt' something uncommon in hairloss.Trying to find it in English I find smegma and smigma is there any difference between those two words?

  4. Yes dundruff but in heavy condition,it appears 16 years combined with hairloss.I have visit dermatologist and he gave me some lotion that really reduce it but hairloss continues slow but stable and I was thinking maybe you know something more.I also use proscar.

  5. Yes propably I'm using wrong word, in Greek is called smigmatorria it appears on head, on body,on testicle.I have it on head.My scalp is producing something(smigma?)that it is stuck on haid and make difficult for hair to breathe.When i shampoo, my head is full of small white pieces of that.

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