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Everything posted by daviebeer

  1. I suppose its because I didn't feel like it was doing anything and because chopping those little proscar tabs every 2 months or so was getting old. Not to mention proscar still isn't free.
  2. heheh, yeah I bet. I'm not saying I want "Dr.Nick's discount hair installation" But I just thought that $9k for the little area of balding I have was steep!
  3. I'm working on that, thanks for the input man.
  4. I tried proscar pretty steadily for about two years. Now that I've stopped taking it I think the balding MAY have increased the rate at which it was occuring, but its really hard to tell over such a long time frame.
  5. more hair. (can't seem to post more than 1 image at a time....?)
  6. Sweet, thanks for the expediant responses guys. Yeah I've been photoshopping for a while, and I have enough hair still there to copy from Speakin of, I'll attach more pix. Yeah I thought Bosley seemed a little high, and I know cosmetic surgery isn't something you wanna cheap out on. But $9k when my hair isn't even THAT bad sounded rediculous to me. I've tried propecia in the past (Actually I got a script for proscar and cut it into quarters, much cheaper hehe) and I really couldn't tell if it was slowing it down or not since the result is so difficult to measure. I'll check the coalition guys and do my research. Is there anyone near Texas y'all might recommend? (thats right I said "y'all")
  7. Hey guys I'm 25 and just got a quote at Bosley here in Houston and they want like $9k for an 1100 graft procedure. I've been looking online at places in Mexico, but I'm a lil leary about that. I'm not super rich but I am willing to fly wherever if I can get a good procedure done for a cheaper price. Recommendations? Here's my current photo and my photoshopped version of what I'm wanting.
  8. Hey guys I'm 25 and just got a quote at Bosley here in Houston and they want like $9k for an 1100 graft procedure. I've been looking online at places in Mexico, but I'm a lil leary about that. I'm not super rich but I am willing to fly wherever if I can get a good procedure done for a cheaper price. Recommendations? Here's my current photo and my photoshopped version of what I'm wanting.
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