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  1. Wow..just read this description..this is totally me, although I'm thinning out on the top of my head, as well as the sides and temples. I'll be 29 next month... sigh. I'm having a really hard time coping with it recently, so suppose will have to start reading many of the threads on this site so I can figure out my plan of attack. ;-) I hear ya though! I admit on one level a part of me wants to be done with all of the fixation, and just have it all go away, so I can just get a wig and put it all behind me (like what you said in one of your posts!) It's the living with it and watching it progress that is proving rather impossible for me at the moment. Anyway, I wish I had something constructive to add to this thread, but I'm sorry I don't. Good luck!
  2. As a member of another non-hair-related forum, where I've posted a LOT, it's rather humbling and uncomfortable to be a newbie, where this is my first post. Eek! So moderators, etc, please direct me to a more appropriate topic/section of the board if I end up totally ransacking this thread. First: This thread has proven very interesting for me. I just went to a free consultation this afternoon at a restoration clinic in the twin cities. First off, I am a 28-yr old female (sniff...let's talk about how attractive women with hair thinning are!!!), and starting a year ago it became evident to me that my hair was thinning. Although, in hindsight it was slowly happening prior, I think. Just not evident to me. But to get back to why I'm posting in this thread: my theory is that the consultant today knew that I was still in the beginning stages where it wasn't noticeable, thus there aren't many options at this point, for women. I still have enough hair (knock on wood) so that more drastic measures are not necessary, or frankly, wouldn't work. I don't think. However, I get little panic/anxiety attacks now and then when I realize it's only a matter of time (2 yrs? 5 yrs?) before I become one of those women you see pictures of. But for now, I guess I'm ok. Obviously it could be a lot worse. But all of this is relative, yes? Anyway. I got the distinct impression that this consultant was taking advantage of the fact that I'm very upset about the direction my hair is going, and that because she couldn't offer anything else, she immediately stated the LLLT was the best option for my situation. And what troubled me was that she had pronounced this verdict, before even studying my scalp and getting up close and personal w/ it! Thankfully I'm a skeptic and thus when she went into her marketing/'scientific' spiel about all of it (also, thankfully I studied bio in college so when she started throwing some of those words out at me, I became alarmed and on guard), I became worried. The thing is though....on driving home, I was actually 90% there to fork over $3195 for 6-8 months of treatment!!!!! I'm that desperate (after all, it's not like things are going to get any better..only worse over time). Thankfully I decided to start attempting to research all of it! Not that I wouldn't have ultimately researched beforehand, BUT...this hair thing for a woman (and until this thread I didn't realize how debilitating it could be for men too) is pretty crappy. [Oh, and for good measure, the woman did inspect my hair after her spiel, whereupon she pointed out the areas that were thinning. Also, a friends' husband has attended this clinic for a while now, so I know he's had good experiences with them; I just find it troubling how quickly she threw out the LLLT option to me, personally.] If my post is nothing else than babbling...at least you guys have a price quote for what they're charging for it at the clinic here in town..... And again: please point me to a better forum (or whatever) where I can direct my angst and anxiety about my hair (or lack thereof) issues. :-)
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