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Everything posted by raj_shri99

  1. Bill, Thanks ! Really appreciate yr helpful post. especially the links you provided. The <shockloss> link I had seen earlier, being recent, but the other one <When will I look "normal" after a hair transplant?> was quite informative, to me at least! That also reinforces my fear/apprehension that one 'can not' have an HT in a kind-of discreet way; you are gonna announce it to the world, unfortunately. Typically, after an HT, it would be v hard (for most guys) while going to work/mixing with other people socially. Not to mention the shockloss one might (or almost) have, etc.. I was (naively) hoping that one can have HT with existing (even though very thinned) hair intact, but most Dr's seem to suggest shaving or trimming (1-2 mm), so even if one assumes, these native hair would regrow, they themselves are going to take a looong time to regrow. Hmm.... Reg the 2nd point - well, I think no man would like to go bald (that's why we are here, right?), and surely would mind going bald, as such :-) what I meant was, one can resign to one's fate and accept he is going bald. I probably would, but as I said in another say 10 odd years, provided - (a) it is gradual process, and (b) for next few years, if I can sport some decent amount of (and natural looking) hair (in fact, that's why I am apprehensive of touching hairline, if at all I go for an HT. IMO, if you "are" balding, and 'known to be losing hair', a receded hairline is just natural, can't help.) Anyway. But what you have mentioned IS PRECISELY my main point. I have always always wondered about this! What if one grafts, say 1000 or 2000 or 3000 or whatever number of hair. And if he is bound to lose the exesting hair (not due to shockloss, but owing to DHT) how is that gonna look? And this is what bugs me most! Is there no way that by seeing one's pattern of hair loss, and "anticipating" one's future loss, can the extracted hair not be planted in a manner to, say, increase density for now? (and in future, with loss of older hair, it should, say, look like "naturally" thinned hair). Noone has been able to give me satisfactory answer here (may be there is none). Why I say above is, I really wouldn't want to search/browse for hair-loss solutions few years down the line! Or, be able to spend time on Net, in these forums (no disrespect here, in fact I am grateful for help available here. Just stating my 'own' opinion). Honestly, I wouldn't want to worry about hair and hair-loss for rest of my life. I think everyone has better things to worry/concentrate on while moving in life, like family, career, and so many other things! Please don't misunderstand here, but I certainly wouldn't want to spend time/money and yes, lot of energy on this! And that's why I had asked if a one-time HT possible? (knowing that's NOT going to solve the problem permanently, but only to buy time, so that as and when I go bald in old age, it doesn't bother me, provided, it looks natural and not funny :-) Anyways. one thing is for sure. Both these points are making me very apprehensive about getting HT done! (but then when I see myself every single f**king day in mirror, I feel terrible!) Darn! again a long post! Sorry for all who are taking pains to read this and thanks!
  2. Hello BM's, Let me apologize upfront, as these queries could be impractical or immature. Blame it on my naivete or optimism or lack of proper knowledge, but I still feel like writing what I feel.... => after HT, how does one look, typically immediately after HT or, say after 10 days? => do you have to shave/trim (to minimum) hair in the recipient area? (is that mandatory for the process?) => if yes, then how long till it grows back (your native trimmed hair) => is it very normal that the native/existing hair (near transplanted hair) are lost (or is it so that it 'may' happen, but also there is possibility it 'may not' happen) => in the donor area (in case of strip incision) when would the strip heal and become normal? => I have seen people advised to visit good doctors even though they are at distant locations or outside the country. Hence I thought of asking, if one goes for HT with such doctor, is it required to consult the Dr "after" HT ? i.e. any future visits? => what about removing sutures? (one has to visit the Dr for that, right?) => is it possible at all that one goes for an HT only once? i.e. does not have any future HT's done? (I am aware that although all, or say even 90%, transplanted hair grow, most likely the other existing hair might be falling in future due to DHT effect) => The reason for above ques is, I don't mind going bald in another, say, 10 years, provided - (a) it is gradual process, and (b) for next few years, if I can sport some decent amount of (and natural looking) hair Appreciate any help/advice/comments anyone can provide on these.
  3. Hello BM's, Let me apologize upfront, as these queries could be impractical or immature. Blame it on my naivete or optimism or lack of proper knowledge, but I still feel like writing what I feel.... => after HT, how does one look, typically immediately after HT or, say after 10 days? => do you have to shave/trim (to minimum) hair in the recipient area? (is that mandatory for the process?) => if yes, then how long till it grows back (your native trimmed hair) => is it very normal that the native/existing hair (near transplanted hair) are lost (or is it so that it 'may' happen, but also there is possibility it 'may not' happen) => in the donor area (in case of strip incision) when would the strip heal and become normal? => I have seen people advised to visit good doctors even though they are at distant locations or outside the country. Hence I thought of asking, if one goes for HT with such doctor, is it required to consult the Dr "after" HT ? i.e. any future visits? => what about removing sutures? (one has to visit the Dr for that, right?) => is it possible at all that one goes for an HT only once? i.e. does not have any future HT's done? (I am aware that although all, or say even 90%, transplanted hair grow, most likely the other existing hair might be falling in future due to DHT effect) => The reason for above ques is, I don't mind going bald in another, say, 10 years, provided - (a) it is gradual process, and (b) for next few years, if I can sport some decent amount of (and natural looking) hair Appreciate any help/advice/comments anyone can provide on these.
  4. Bill, I read something to that effect on some other sites/forum. But as we know, everything posted on the Net need/should not be taken in 100% authenticity, should be taken with a pinch of salt. I also DO agree with you that many problems can be mental, esp regarding libido/sex. ALL men would like to believe they have more libido, that their libido shouldn't be affected or d**k shouldn't decrease (referring to the shrinking genital post also elsewhere). That's why when it comes libido etc, surely it can be a mental factor. Having said that, we have to agree that (from my limited knowledge) the drug is meant for reducing/blocking effect of male hormone (that causes hair loss) and hence it 'can' have the said effects. IMHO, like side effects of any drug, which may/may not happen with everyone, this might depend on the person's physical condition/age/general body constitution/fitness/immunity in general, etc etc. Anyways. Further, to think, 2% isn't that small a number. If you take a million users, 20000 can have the side effects, right? Jolly, This is exactly I was asking. If we hear from someone that he did experience such effect/s and they went away after stopping the drug, that would be good, right? When it comes to such issues, as you say, I (and may be many new users like me) would feel much better to hear from experinced (reg effects) folks or doctors. Thanks Bill/Jolly and all. (I am liking this forum even more now)
  5. Thanks for some encouraging words here. (1) minoxidil - so, do people experience more shedding? is it normal? (2) Regarding Rogaine foam - is this something like a shaving foam? In that case, I guess that would be much easier to apply and live with. there is one small hitch though. I live in India, and not too sure if this is available in India. (will look for it though or I need to check if someone travelling from US I can request the same) (3) finasteride - yes, I have read many places that say the side effects affect (if they do) to only small % of users. But at the same time I have also seen forums which only talk about those. Anyways. What can one do? If the side-effects would have been, say, stomach pain, or something like that, that was ok I felt. Since they are supposed to do something to your libido/semen, wished to be more cautious, that 's it. I have observed few BM's here who work with doctors (who are related to this field). Can I request those people's advice on - whether the side effects (if they occur) "go away" if one stops the finasteride tablet? Thx again to all,
  6. Hi fellow board-members, I have been suffering from hair-loss for quite some time, and now it has become real bad. I have been looking at lot of material (basically on the Net), getting myself somewhat educated, and have discovered this forum recently! (how I wish I would have come across this early!) Am finding this board so informative, and people seem to exchange frank views and their experiences, hence I want to request all experts (and not-so-experts too to please help/advice me on medication/HT (am seriously considering HT too) - => minoxidil - within few days of using this, I saw small boils like things on my temple, and also the face started getting very oily (because the lotion would be dripping on down). As it is I have somewhat oily scalp, so this was really irritating. and, importantly, as if the existing hair-loss was not enough, I started getting mild headache when I applied it and the scalp became itchy (this also, as I have read, is quite normal with use of minoxidil), but the main thing is, the shedding also increased. So, I really don't know if I should continue use of minoxidil. => finasteride - although it's well known that the side-effects occur with only small no. of people (say only 2%), but since they are related to decreased libido/prob with erection/ejaculation, I only want to ask one thing. If, that is, if at all, one experiences such side effect/s, is it confirmed that they GO AWAY with discontinuing of the tablet?? It would be really good to know the experience of some user, if one had any, or even better, an opinion of a doctor? => is there any other medicine (that you might be taking for some other sickness at some point of time) which should not be taken when one is taking finasteride? Apologize for longish post. If anyone wishes to help me offline, please PM me, as I have few more probably silly (but important for me) questions regarding HT. Thx,
  7. Hi fellow board-members, I have been suffering from hair-loss for quite some time, and now it has become real bad. I have been looking at lot of material (basically on the Net), getting myself somewhat educated, and have discovered this forum recently! (how I wish I would have come across this early!) Am finding this board so informative, and people seem to exchange frank views and their experiences, hence I want to request all experts (and not-so-experts too to please help/advice me on medication/HT (am seriously considering HT too) - => minoxidil - within few days of using this, I saw small boils like things on my temple, and also the face started getting very oily (because the lotion would be dripping on down). As it is I have somewhat oily scalp, so this was really irritating. and, importantly, as if the existing hair-loss was not enough, I started getting mild headache when I applied it and the scalp became itchy (this also, as I have read, is quite normal with use of minoxidil), but the main thing is, the shedding also increased. So, I really don't know if I should continue use of minoxidil. => finasteride - although it's well known that the side-effects occur with only small no. of people (say only 2%), but since they are related to decreased libido/prob with erection/ejaculation, I only want to ask one thing. If, that is, if at all, one experiences such side effect/s, is it confirmed that they GO AWAY with discontinuing of the tablet?? It would be really good to know the experience of some user, if one had any, or even better, an opinion of a doctor? => is there any other medicine (that you might be taking for some other sickness at some point of time) which should not be taken when one is taking finasteride? Apologize for longish post. If anyone wishes to help me offline, please PM me, as I have few more probably silly (but important for me) questions regarding HT. Thx,
  8. Hi, I have been reading a lot of material lately and have few quick queries please. (1) any one knows any decent doc in Bangalore, India? (2) (these may be impractical & primitive questions, but after seeing free exchange of opinions on the forum, I feel I should anyway ask) -> is it possible at all to get HT done , say, discreetly? -> if one does not wish to look too different (after HT), is that possible? (say by going for basically increasing density only) (3) side effects of finasteride - I am aware only a small % "may" have those. But since those are related to decresed libido/erection prob/ejeculation issue, I am still not feeling confident enough to take finasteride. What I wished to know was - in case one experiences the side-effect, is it certain that these go off when one stops the tablet?? Apologies, but may be this question should have been in a diferent section/topic? Would rqst to please help/advise please. Thx, ~ shri
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