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Posts posted by htownballa

  1. Hi,


    I just turned 24. I have an NW2 hair loss going with major thinning in the front and temples. I started losing my hair about a 1-2 years ago although now its become noticeable so I cant fool myself anymore.


    I just started Propecia two weeks ago. I plan on getting an HT in a couple of years if things go south with my hair. Everyone on my moms side, except one male cousin has a full head of hair, even into their 80s. My father is a NW4-5 and he is in his early 50s. My dad didnt start balding until his mid to late 30s however. My grandfather on my dads side was an NW7 when he died in his 60s. Does this mean if I did get an HT I would have to plan ultra-conservatively, since there is a possibility I could go NW7. I really dont want to ever progress to an NW3 at least until I'm in my 40s. That is my goal.


    My questions are, what are your opinions on my possible HT options and to those who have had an HT relatively young, how did you plan for future baldness??



  2. Propecia is 1mg. The half life is supposedly 5 hours, so by the end of the day the levels of finasteride in your bloodstream is very low assuming you take your pill in the morning. Does this mean that towards the end of the day your hairs suffer due to DHT not being suppressed? Should I up my dosage?

  3. Propecia is 1mg. The half life is supposedly 5 hours, so by the end of the day the levels of finasteride in your bloodstream is very low assuming you take your pill in the morning. Does this mean that towards the end of the day your hairs suffer due to DHT not being suppressed? Should I up my dosage?

  4. I am a 24 year old male that is kinda freaking out at the amount I have thinned in the past year. I have had a receding hairline for the past few years, but during the past year I have experienced a significantly accelerated thinning in my frontal/temple areas.I started taking propecia a few days ago.


    My goal is for my hair to thicken in the frontal areas where you can see my scalp esp when its styled. If I continue to thin out along the front and sides I will consider my hairloss regimen to be a failure. Should I stick to the Propecia or add Minox in combination to achieve this thickening. Im really worried about the "minox life sentence" tho as I've read from many posters that its very messy/inconvenient to do twice a day for the rest of ur life. If I do decide to add the minox, I would add it on just the frontal thinning areas of my scalp. I just dont want to jump the gun cause I'm desperate, but at the same time I don't want to lose precious hair. What to do??? Please help!

  5. Working out, especially with heavy weights, will increase your testosterone levels. So the natural assumption would be that increased testosterone levels = increased DHT production = more hair loss. I personally have been a big fan of whey protein supplements, glutamine, and creatine to boost my gains in the gym. My parents always warned me against taking these saying it was "unnatural" and would have consequences in the long run, and now I'm wondering if they might have been right after all. I've had a protein shake(30 grams whey protein) and maybe 5 grams of glutamine maybe 3-5 times a week for the past 4-5 years. This is very coincident with the time that my hairline started to gradually recede.


    Having a receding hairline and losing my hair at 24 sucks, especially because nobody in my immediate family is bald. I'm starting to wonder now whether my dedication to weight training and diet actually hastened the hair loss process. For now, I am discontinuing all forms of supplements including protein drinks and glutamine. Doing this will obviously cut my gains in the gym, but as long as I can save my hair for now I don't care what it takes. What is your opinion on this???

  6. Hi,


    I just turned 24 years old and have had a gradually receding hairline for the past 1-2 years. It wasn't really noticeable until recently (maybe past 6 months) when I started noticing it receding in pictures of myself. I've also recently noticed a lot more shedding of hair when I take a shower or even when I'm just sitting at my desk.


    I know I can take Propecia to slow down the hair loss, but I want something that either completely halts hair loss or can replace the hairline that I lost. I was doing a little research on hair transplant surgery and was scared off by the people that were saying don't get it if you're too young. What exactly is the reason for this??? I would think that a younger person with less balding would be easier to transplant (less hairs required). Some people on this site mentioned that the donor area in a young person is too small. Why would a younger person have less of a donor area than an older person? Also, what how would you guys recommend I search for a good surgeon if I did decide to get it done in the future?


    Thanks so much for any help/opinions! icon_smile.gif

  7. Hi,


    I just turned 24 years old and have had a gradually receding hairline for the past 1-2 years. It wasn't really noticeable until recently (maybe past 6 months) when I started noticing it receding in pictures of myself. I've also recently noticed a lot more shedding of hair when I take a shower or even when I'm just sitting at my desk.


    I know I can take Propecia to slow down the hair loss, but I want something that either completely halts hair loss or can replace the hairline that I lost. I was doing a little research on hair transplant surgery and was scared off by the people that were saying don't get it if you're too young. What exactly is the reason for this??? I would think that a younger person with less balding would be easier to transplant (less hairs required). Some people on this site mentioned that the donor area in a young person is too small. Why would a younger person have less of a donor area than an older person? Also, what how would you guys recommend I search for a good surgeon if I did decide to get it done in the future?


    Thanks so much for any help/opinions! icon_smile.gif

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