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Posts posted by TheEmperor

  1. LondonHT,


    I had marginal yield in my first surgery with doctor Wong and made the mistake of going back for a second procedure, which did not provide much additional benefit.


    The problem with yield is mostly with technicians damaging your hair when they implant them. The doctor could have done everything perfectly, but if his team is not 100%, there will be occasional bad results. That said, I know its difficult to resist free or discounted grafts, but if you have had problems with yield, you should try to get a refund and choose another doctor.


    The "yield kings" the docs who I have seen consistently impressive yield for a particular # of grafts, are Dr. Rahal, and Dr. Shapiro.

  2. As early as six months post-op from his first surgery I told TE that if he was not happy with the result then we would offer, at the very least, a partial refund (yeah, I found the email) or do the procedure again at no charge to address any areas of concern. We followed through and took care of business AS WE SAID WE WOULD. There is a long paper trail of support than cannot be refuted.



    Let me know the date of the email and I'll see if the email is legit. In fact, please forward it to me, you have my current email. Once I receive the original email from you, I will investigate and report to the forum on the truth of the email.


    And just to be clear, dont print out the email, save it to a PDF and forward that in an attachment like you did one time before. Just go into your mail client, and forward the original mail to me. Simple. I want the actual email, not a PDF.


    Some of the issues TE has brought up have never been brought up before by ANYONE in over nine years of being open and public on the forums. No one has said that their crown is noticeably larger due to the strip.


    This is not true. If you do enough research on the forums, you will find a few other patients who have made the same claim. Check on HLH. I am perhaps the only person who was concerned about this possibility and had the foresight to take before photos from directly behind so I could compare to the after photos.


    My situation is perhaps unique because I was a class of NW5 where the loss was not visible from behind. My expectation was that I would be able to comb the back rim hair forward to help cover the crown. However, as it was pulled down close to an inch, this is no longer possible.


    Most people who have seen my photos and seen me in person agree that the back was pulled down.


    I ask anyone to perform this test: While looking in a mirror, do the scalp exercise and pull down on the back hair. You will see your forehead slide up. The skin slides across the surface of the head. If strip removal didn't expand the bald spot, then that would mean only the skin in the vicinity of the scar stretched. If that were the case, when you pullled down in the back, your forehead skin would not move up.


    I will concede that there may be variations in physiology, which is why I invite forum members to perform this test and report their findings.


    No one has said I made them point their head in specific ways to make their result look better than it actually is.



    As far as I know, no one besides me has described the meticulous detail in which you take your photos. You asked me to make very minute adjustments to the tilt of my head while taking the photos.


    No one with aggressive loss has said that Dr. Wong promised them they'd have a result better than mine in one session.



    First, I never said you made the claim that it would only take one session. So you are putting words into my mouth.


    I have made the claim that Dr Wong said my result would be "better" than yours. I reported this in multiple threads. Its been out there for over a year and this is the first time I hear you objecting to the statement.


    When doctor Wong meant "better", I presumed that would mean that I would have at least as many styling options as you, which I do not. And I assumed the hairline would look as natural. It does not. These are subjective impressions, but I notice you don't have evenly spaced "jaggies" in your hairline.


    My loss is/was significantly less than yours and my hair characteristics were described as similar. When Wong said my result would be better in the in person consultation, that is the reason I scheduled an appointment. As you know, I had already cancelled out of one appointment because I had concerns on the quality of the result. I wanted some assurance I would get a great result and Wong gave me enough positive feedback to get me to book an appointment.



    No one has said that Dr. Wong does what he wants and doesn't listen to the patient. No one has said Dr. Wong told them he was too busy to talk to them the morning after surgery.



    I told him I wanted a symmetrical hairline. I did not get this. He drew in temple closure in the first procedure which he did not plant. After my hair cleaning the day after surgery, I asked Dr Wong, "do you have a few minutes, there are some things we need to discuss", at which point he told me he was with a patient. He was in the cutting phase, so I can see he was busy, and I wasnt going to hang out in the office for an hour as I had a plane to catch. I don't know how much less he could have listened to me.


    No one has dealt with us for over four years and then three years after their first surgery decide to accuse us of manipulating our photos with Photoshop to deceive the public. It is not a case of some people saying a few of these things. No patient has EVER said ANY of these things so how is it that ONE person says ALL of these things and more?



    This is partially true. I did not bring up the image brightness manipulation before, but I know some other patients have. You yourself mentioned you had answered to this criticism in other threads.




    Situations like this are very unfortunate but this highlights a credibility issue especially when nothing that TE has shared can really be documented but EVERYTHING that I have shared can.


    In my blog, there are comments from other forum members who agree the bald sport was made larger by the surgery. My photos have also accurately detailed the poor yield, with photos of individual hairs and hair counts per sq. cm.


    Everything I have claimed is documented in photos. The only things I cant document are the things that Wong and you said in person. I was not recording our conversations.





    Anyone can say that their result is not up to their expectations. We've always encouraged our patients to share, more than any other clinic. However, no one should turn us into a punching bag with undocumented and untrue stories of deceit and failure.



    I have documented everything in the photos in my blog.


    The underlying and simple fact that trumps EVERYTHING is that had The Emperor continued to communicate with us we would have been more than happy to continue addressing his concerns and work with him to come to some sort of resolution for his satisfaction. Unfortunately he decided to take this in a different direction that no one would ever expect to lead to an outcome of satisfaction.


    The second surgery was to give you a chance to make things right. Due to poor growth, the jaggies are still visible as shown in my blog. I have shown photographs of poor yield where the transplanted hairs either did not grow or grew in much reduced diameter.


    Because there had never been an offer of a refund, there was no incentive for me to work that angle. I decided I was never going to set foot in your office again because of evidence that some of your techs are not getting the same yield as others. Rather than throw away more grafts at your clinic, I decided to share with the forum the reality of surgery with Hasson and Wong. I have detailed the sales techniques (oversell) and how some of the technical limitations of the surgery are glossed over. Hopefully this will help other patients to make better informed decisions. When you say "we expect great things for you", they should know this is how it may turn out.

  3. TE,


    Your face has already been blocked out to protect your identity and then further edited by Joe in an attempt to make you happy and further protect your anonymity. The forum moderators and publishers are not responsible for any posts made by third parties, which includes topics and replies from patients, physicians, clinics, etc. We are also not responsible for the kinds of photos you and/or the clinic choose to display.


    However, as a courtesy to you, I've requested that Joe create a bigger box around your face to make you happy. He's already done this and replied in an email that this has been completed.


    If you are still unahppy with the way he's edited your photos, please contact Joe privately. If he's not responding to your emails, call him on the phone at the clinic. This takes less than 2 minutes and I'm sure once you go over your request with him, he'll have no problem honoring it as long as it's reasonable. But this is between you and the clinic.








    Joe did not increase the size of the box to completely hide my face. He drew in some eyebrows, and as you know, my request was to hide my cheeks, facial hair, and eyebrows completly. He did not comply. The pictures are still very revealing.


    I have sent an email to Joe with this specific request. You were copied. The last email was sent on the 18th.


    My questions are still open to the forum. There is an impasse here. I have contacted the doctor with specific instructions, they have not complied, and the forum admins refuse to get involved. Thus my question to the forum.

  4. It's been a week since Joe from Hasson and Wong posted his pictures of me, and he still has not edited them to address my concerns about anonymity. I have asked that he completely cover my facial features, facial hair, and eyebrows. Bill from HTN has been copied on at least one of these requests.


    Anyone that I work with can easily identify me from the photos. The damage may have already been done, but for professional reasons I cannot have people linking my identity with online threads.


    I took painstaking effort in my blog photos to hide identifying marks, facial hair, and any facial features and I expect the same concern for my anonymity from Hasson and Wong. Regardless of whether they feel they are properly protecting my identity, I have requested that they make changes.


    I would like to ask the forum, is it the responsibility of doctors to protect their patients anonymity? Should the doctor's consultant be the one who decides what is properly protecting a patient's identity, or should the patient decide?


    I would also like to ask the forum, if a doctor does not protect a patient's identity, should the forum adminstrator remove the photos?

  5. Forum/All,


    I am still waiting for Joe to edit the photos to completely block my facial features, including cheeks, facial hair, and eyebrows. I am not asking him to hide the hair, just cover more of my identity.


    In the meantime, I sent Joe a letter detailing my dissatisfaction with the surgery. Below.




    Please show doctor Wong the close ups of the grafts from the second surgery to get his opinion on what went wrong. Almost to the graft, I can go through the close ups of the grafts planted (on the left side) between the jaggies in HT#2 and see that they grew at an almost insignificant diameter when compared to the jaggy grafts. This is why the jaggies are still visible. From surgery #1, its easy to see a divide up the middle, where more grafts are growing on the left side.


    Now that I have had 6500 grafts, I know that I don't have many in the bank for future work. Unfortunately, what I have now is see through, I have a large and uncoverable crown, and I am a slave to a styling routine to hides the deficiencies of the transplant. Not what I expected for 20K. Perhaps you can understand my frustration. If you want a list of my grievances related to the surgery:


    1) Evidence that some technicians got better growth rates than others.


    2) Jaggies. WTF was Dr. Wong thinking planting pronounced and evenly spaced hair clusters?


    3) Scar is 3-4mm, requires hair 1.75" long to hide. Apparently this is a normal scar and the reason it's hard to hide is the fine side hair. You saw the donor areas going in, you could have told me I would never be able to use clippers again.


    4) Expanded crown. Despite what happened with you, I am 100% positive that the surgeries expanded the bald area by pulling the skin down. Part of my reason to go ahead with strip as opposed to a minimalist FUE approach was the expectation that I would be able to cover the crown with 6-7K grafts and have a fullish restoration. Before strip, I knew the hair at the back could be combed forward to help, now the hair at the back needs to be combed UP, and there is a significant bald area visible from directly behind. My pictures from directly behind show this. Your pictures are with my head tilted forward.


    5) Dr. Wong didn't follow hairline he drew first time. I realize the wisdom in the hairline he planted, I'm sure an asymetrical hairline has less risk of looking completely fake, he does it on 95% of his patients, but he drew in very mild temple closure which he didn't plant. He planted this in the second surgery. I though the line was a "contract". Did he run out of grafts? Change his mind?


    6) Hairline doesn't look particularly natural. I can only comb hair from left to right. When combed the other way or combed back, something just doesnt look right. Everyones head and face are shaped differently and I don't think Wong got the correct read on the hairline.


    7) Dr. Wong relayed an anecdote of a patient who had grafts that weren't permanent. I am not sure why he told me this unless he thinks I will have the same problem. If so, I am screwed. I don't have high hopes for the transplant hair staying for the long haul, especially the really fine ones that appear to be damaged or miniturized.

  6. Joe,

    As I said before on multiple occasions, you will be able to wear me down eventually. The out of context posts are scrambled and do not tell the whole story, but I don't have the time to set them straight. You are not trying to argue to a truthful conclusion, you are just trying to obfuscate things until I leave in frustration.



    Most of the people who posted in the HLH threads were in agreement with me, with the exception of yourself and a couple former H&W patients. H&W pays good money to these sites for advertizing; and the moderators are mindful of that. I have discovered that the unhappy former H&W patients lurk in the background and contact people offline. That is the only way to spread the truth. Your image is not nearly as sterling as you think.


    That said, I have removed my blog. The pictures are mine, and they are private. Please remove the pictures you copied from my blog from your posts. They are not yours to post.

  7. As I have read various posts throughout this thread, I am in disbelief that TE has been so vehemently attached by Joe-since I have always held in high regard Joe and H&W. We must never forget that TE is a PATIENT...


    I know there always three sides to every story, your side, my side and the truth. Clearly TE is not happy and frankly-he shouldn't be. This is a sub par result, period. From his part side the HT does not look natural. I will say this though , the styling aid does help and adds a more natuaral appearance however, this is not a good outcome for 6500 FU'S on TE. Not to mention he has invested somehwere around 15k+ and more importantly almost three years of his life...


    My belief is if TE had been offerred a full refund he could have moved on with his life and the negative PR fight that H&W is now engulfed in could have been avoided and their stellar reputauion as a clininc that puts their patients best interest first would be upheld.


    Clinics do not bat 1000 everytime and when mistakes are made, they should be professional enough to admit it do the right thing[based on patient & docto discussion] and move on.


    TE, I'm curious, would you mind taking pictures of your HT outside with and with out the styling aid Joe used on you in his still pictures. I cannot stress how sorry I am for you as I know this has been very difficult for you. I wish you the very best. A bit of advice, pay attention to Drew's results with Dr. Umar, as this may be an option for you coupled with the big three-if you can tolerate the foam and the propecia. You will be surprised as to what Rogain can do with HT hair. Again wishing you the very best.


    And now Bill, keeping this thread open shows your desire to be fair.



    I appreciate your comments. It is surprising to me that they can't admit that mistakes were made, even with the photo evidence I have provided.


    Some simple math puts things into perspective: The strips taken were 30cm x 2.6cm. That is 10"x1", or ten square inches of hair!


    That is an amount of grafts that would cover the front (with the conservative/receded hairline) at full density. As most of the grafts were focused in this area, I can say I did not get anywhere near full density, not even half density. I would say about 1/3rd original density.


    I feel really bad for Drew. IMO, they should have never operated on him. Unfortunately, Drew seems to be blaming himself for the outcome, because he asked for a hairline that was "lower than prudent."


    I might be able to get some outdoor shots.

  8. Joe,

    I have noticed that the photos you posted by me are hosted on your personal hairtransplantmentor.com site. As those photos are property of Hasson and Wong, why is it that they are hosted on a third party, independent site? Do H&W own hairtransplantmentor.com?


    Please remove the photos until they can be edited properly to hide all areas of my face, facial hair, and eyebrows.

  9. Emperor just out of interest do you not get any satisfaction from your ht when thinking about where you came from to where you are now? I'd of thought anyone with your amount of hairloss who had lived with it for whatever amount of Years you did before your ht would be blown away with the change and the styling options available now.




    Satisfaction? Yes and no. Having hair on top fulfills some psychological need, so in that regard, even though I dont think it looks good, it does look better than being a cue ball.


    On the other hand, I am now a slave to a specific styling routine, have to have very frequent haircuts, and actually have less options than I had before. I used to be able to use clippers on my side and back hair which had a very clean look. Even just 5 years ago, I had enough hair on top, that with the sides clipped short I did not look bald or "bad".


    Wind is now an issue, and the spectre of future loss means I am on the treadmill for life. Also, there are the hair lookers. Can they detect it? A more sustainable solution would have been to get 3K fue in a diffuse, see-through pattern on top. I would have been able to buzz the sides, it would have been very low maintenance, a very clean look, and I would not be bald. Essentially returning me to my state of around 5 years ago. What I have now feels like some variation of a combover.


    So while correctly styled, I look better, but I dont look THAT much better, and with the new hair comes a host of problems.

  10. Joe, it has been a full day since I have mailed you a formal request to better hide my identity in the photos you posted. I am also waiting for a copy of the chart.


    I dont have an objection to your posting photos of the result, but there is enough identifying information in your photos for someone to identify me from them. They need to be edited properly. Look at my own photos. No details of my face, facial hair, or eyebrows are shown.


    Bill, if Joe has not properly edited the photos within the next couple hours, please take them down. I am sure he will be happy to put up less revealing images when he gets the time, and I have no objection to that, as long as no features of my face or eyebrows are shown.

  11. Joe,


    I stand by my statement that there is something being altered between your before and after photos. The color of everyone's hair changes. Most likely you use a different set of settings on the camera. Because this pattern is consistent across almost all of your photos, it is obviously a willful decision to make the outcomes look better. This is not slander. This is you reacting to someone who has called you out publicly on this matter. Why dont you answer the question. Why does everyone's hair look 3 shades lighter in your "after" photos? Its an easy enough question.



    Regarding the thread on the other forum that was closed by the moderator. The reason it was closed was not because I slandered you, or lied, or misrepresented anything. The reason it was closed was because I would not allow you to post photos that would compromise my identity. Some previous H&W patients were copying photos from my blog and reposting them in that thread. Some of these pictures were mislabelled, in an attempt to confuse my message.


    I told people where my blog was (here on HTN) to support my conclusions, but apparently that was not enough. Because I could not link my HTN blog on the other forum, the moderator was not comfortable hosting a discussion about photos on another commercial site. I offered to post any photos you sent me to my blog, after I screened them for anonymity. You did not take me up on the offer and waited for the thread to be closed.



    If you remember from that thread, some of the posters questioned your motives and said you sounded like the angry, slandering patient, and I sounded like the cool professional. I would be VERY HAPPY to have that thread opened for public review, if possible. In the meantime, don't try to recast it into something it was not.



    The other threads to which you refer were not slandering you or your clinic. Someone would ask a question about scarring, and ask something like, "Can I still use clippers after I have a strip surgery." I would answer based on my personal experience at your clinic. My answer might be "I had a 4500 graft strip surgery at H&W and I have to grow the side hair to 1.75 inches to hide the scar. I can no longer use clippers on the side or back." Completely truthful, and in my opinion helpful to prospective patients to hear from someone who has problems with the scar.



    You would typically jump into the thread and cause a fight, causing the thread to be derailed. Unfortunately, this creates an environment of censure where it is very difficult to express my honest opinions about the surgery. There is a much larger issue at play. I recognize that the forums are all commercial and only allow objectivity to a certain point, beyond which it impacts their revenue.



    I dont remember saying that you were wearing a hair piece. The very full look with bangs that you wore in the 2006-07 time frame I have referred to as the Bieber look. In contrast to your more conservative, combed back look of later years, I have questioned how you were able to acheive such density given such advanced loss. It definitely creates a "Wow" impression when seeing it in person.



    One explanation could have been a partial hair piece, a more likely explanation could be copious amounts of wax, toppik, and hairspray. Please post a link to the thread where I said you were wearing a hairpiece so we can veryify the truth of this.



    My objections beyond the outcome of the surgery, relate to claims you make, like me being offered a partial refund. That is just not true. It is difficult for me to carry on a meaningful discussion with someone who lies to protect themself. Do you have any documentation showing you offered me a refund? Wong actually said of the first surgery "this was a good transplant". A refund was never on the table. Despite what looked like marginal yield to me, the second surgery was discounted because of "patient dissatisfaction"; no admission of poor yield was made on your part.



    I have stated before that we can go round and round on this, but as this is your job, you will eventually wear me down. You are battling hard to maintain your image. It has become clear to me why the dissatisfied patients eventually disappear from the forums. Despite how you are painting me in this thread, I am a successful professional who is genuinely dissatisfied with the procedure. I believe the benefits were oversold, and I have also provided photo evidence of what I believe show some issues with the surgery (unattractive jaggies, expanding crown, poor yield, wide scar, etc)


    I posted my 1.5 year photos to get some closure and update everyone on the forums with how it turned out. I feel people need to see what kind of results might actualize when the great Hasson&Wong claims, "we expect great things for you." If this causes some people to more carefully consider their options, I have done something ethical and good.


    -The Emperor.

  12. Janna,


    I appreciate your comments. It is perhaps that I should be addressing my complaints about integrity against Joe, as 99% of my communication was with him. I suspect with the thousands of patients he deals with, he may not remember the specifics of my case two years after the bulk of communication has occurred.


    For the record, no offer of refund was ever made. This thread is the first I had heard of that as a possibility, and this came from Joe, not Dr. Wong. Perhaps Joe mixed me up with another patient?


    In hindsight, if I made a mistake in this whole matter, it was associating Joe with Dr. Wong. The majority of my communication was with Joe, he is just their internet sales rep, and his excitement about the great things Dr. Wong was going to do for me was what got me to sign up with them. Had I based my decision on actual rapport I developed with the doctor as opposed to his reputation, I would have chosen differently.


    I dont think I was disfigured, but I think there were some yield problems which have limited my potential outcome. I also think there are some realities of the surgery that were glossed over or misrepresented. For instance, I have a 3-4mm scar which is on the high side of normal, but I have to grow my side hair to 1.75 inches to hide the scar. I feel that the doctor could have looked at my hair quality and mentioned this as a very real possibility, that I would never be able to use clippers again. But I entered into the surgery with the belief that most scars are "pencil thin" and patients can still use clippers. On the other side of the surgery, I find out the scar is normal, the reason it is hard to hide is because of my hair quality. This is something they could have warned me about so I could make an informed decision.


    I have very few grafts left in the bank and I know I will never get to where I was initially told. I am absolutely convinced the strip increased my bald spot (and it seems about half the posters online agree with my photo evidence), and the photos show that the hairs planted between the jaggies in #2 all grew at a significantly reduced calibre. Obviously something happened wrong in the second surgery to cause this, otherwise these hairs, or at least some of them would have grown at the same diameter as the jaggy hairs. IT really does not seem like another 1500 grafts grew in the front.


    Call it a perfect storm. Alot of things just did not go right. The realization that had I chose a different doctor, or perhaps even a different surgery date with different technicians, that the results could be significantly better, makes this painful. I have to live with what I have now.

  13. Corvettetester,

    THe issue of customer service with H&W comes down to trust and honesty. When you've been lied to (in this case, for instance, the claim that a refund was offered), makes it difficult to deal with them. And because I believe they have problems with quality control and damaging grafts, I have no incentive to step foot in their office ever again.


    I am sure they WANT to work with all their patients. The larger issue is the honesty and integrity in which they conduct their business.

  14. mahhong,

    I dont know eactly what they are doing, but the after pictures show less contrast between skin and hair and as such may help the result to appear fuller than they are. I am also surprised that the photos from Joe show less detail and clarity of the hairline than my photos, leading me to believe there is some kind of blurring going on. In my case this helps to hide the jaggies.


    My point is that the H&W Blue Wall photos are highly optimized and cast the hair in the best possible light, which does not match reality.

  15. TE has routinely spoken about how he was told he would have my results. While not entirely true I did style his hair like I used to wear it to see how it looked.


    Dr. Wong said my results would be better than yours. Nothing untrue about my statement.


    This hairline was created with the very specific requirement that it not be a wall of hair. In fact, TE even stated as such in his original consultation form...


    "I would rather have a diffuse "see through" hairline than a "High wall of hair". Those are his words.


    You are pulling this from a very early pre-surgery consultation form, that does not benefit from any of our 20+ conversations or in-person consultation. It was what I wrote at the very beginning of the exploration process and did not encompass what was possible or realistic.


    I was describing how I would rather have a lower see through hairline than one that was much higher yet not-see through. I ended up with a high hairline (2+ cm above original) that is also see through. Not what I wanted.


    This is way out of context.



    "The biggest shock of the whole thing was how removing the flesh made the bald spot larger and more prominent from the back."


    TE has been saying this for a long time. He has had 2.6cm of donor tissue removed and has stated in the past that he is now a NW6 because of it.


    . . .


    I know the immediate post-op photo on the far right looks a bit thin at the bottom of the crown but there is a reason for this. It was shaved.



    The crown was shaved prior to both of my procedures, even though not planted in the first.


    Even in the photos you posted, you can see a degree of crown expansion after the first procedure. Because you had me tilt my head forward in all of these photos, the degree of expansion is not completely obvious. My own photos are straight shots from the back and show the degree of expansion.


    Joe, you keep talking about the accuracy of your before and after photos, perhaps you can explain how all your patients appear to have hair that is three shades lighter in all their post op photos? It is clear to anyone who has seen your photos that there is some trickery going on.


    For he benefit of the forum, I can say that when you were photographing my results, you had me make very minute adjustments to the angle of my head, tilting it slightly forward, back, or away from the camera. This to capture the absolutely best angle and capture it in the best light. These were not casual shots, they were taken very carefully to bring out the best characteristics.


    In real life, the hair has to stand up to scrutiny from all angles, not just canned indoor office shots that benefit from photoshopping.





    TE gives the impression here that he has a very unnatural result. I honestly believe this to be a stretch. I can understand what it is like to have a truly unnatural result and he does not have this. I lived with it for nine years and I did not get nearly the attention that TE says he gets. MY old work was "terrible". TE's work is natural.



    The hair does not look natural under all conditions. When I was going thin, if I did not style my hair, or decided not to get it cut for a few months, it would look messy, but realistic.


    The transplanted hair actually needs to be styled carefully each day to look realistic. And I need a haircut every 3-4 weeks or the look starts to fall apart fast. Furthermore, I can no longer use clippers on the sides because of the requirement to hide the scar.


    The end result is less natural and much higher maintenance than anyone would have the expectation to believe.


    Furthermore, I have been doing some video work and it is a shock to me just how deficient the hair looks from multiple angles. I agree I am critical, but then I did ask for a symmetrical hairline and was not given one. Wong was supposed to be one of the best.



    There is no question that TE is unhappy but there is nothing more we can reasonably be expected to do. He had the option of coming back and we were not against the option of at least a partial refund due to nothing more than his obvious discontent. He obviously chose the former.


    There was NEVER an offer for a refund, partial or otherwise.


    When I first started expressing my discontent (around the 9-12 months after procedure #1), you said that you would give me some free grafts in the front if I were to return for a second procedure. That you would need to evaluate the results to determine the best course of action. Thus, there was no definite amount agreed to. I started researching other docs.


    At the 15 month mark, I posted my "final" photos, further expressed my discontent, and said I was shopping other doctors. At this point you contacted me and offered me 1500 free grafts in the front, that I would pay for anything else. Even with this offer, I was on the fence about returning. Had there been an actual refund offered, I would have gone to another doctor.

  16. I feel for you mate it must be gutting to not get what you want but i honestly feel you needed a lot more grafts to cover you're thining area completely in any style you want. As for the jaggies i'm a little shocked that Dr Wong would take it up on his own accord to make such big jaggies without you asking, did you not think to say something when he was making them? when i was having mine done by Dr Hasson i was directing him every 5 mins exactly how i wanted my hairline and he was nothing but completly patient with me untill i had it exactly how i wanted it.


    I have to say i think you did a great job with your pictures and feel you have been really honest with your pictures as i've seen a lot of unhappy patients just take pictures of the their hair in really bad situations to make things look really bad but yours are very fair and diverse.


    The jaggies were planted some time at the end of the procedure without any input from me.


    We argued over the hairline shape for 20+ minutes prior to surgery. Two days before the procedure, I had told Joe that it was VERY IMPORTANT that I get a symmetrical hairline. Joe told me to communicate this to Wong on the morning of surgery.


    Dr Wong kept drawing an assymetrical hairline (which is a strategy I see on alot of patients). And then I asked him to mark where he though the middle of my forehead was, and his mark was 1cm to the left! It was absolutely surreal, and I felt I should back out if he cant accurately find the middle, but reason told me to let go of the creative aspect to some degree, he obviously knew what he was doing. (?)


    He drew the hairline in, and on the fourth iteration with some temple closure drawn in, it looked reasonably "correct".


    So about 2 hours into the surgery, at my first break, I am merveling at everything that is being done, looking at all the incisions in the mirror, and realize the line we had taken 20-30 minutes to draw is gone. (Probably wiped off with saline spray from techs during planting?)


    Then after everything is over, all the grafts are used, they did not plant any temple closure. (This was the small area at the angle between side and top hair to help smooth the transition -- he did plant this in #2) I got back to the hotel, I was exhausted, and see that the hairline he planted was closest to the first one he drew. Offset to the left about 1cm. It is what I have heard described as a "snail trail" hairline, which I have seen wong use on a bunch of his patients.


    THe next day I am back in the office for a clean up, I ask him if he has a few minutes to talk and he said he was with the patient and too busy. I didnt create a scene because another patient was in the chair and I didnt feel arguing about graft placement was appropriate at that time. I got the message through by phone a few days later, and Joe implored me to just wait and see how things go.


    The hairline is still assymetrical, offset 1cm to the left, and only looks realistic when combed from left to right.


    I would say that Wong just does what he wants to do and what he thinks is best. I would rate his communication skills as low. I have since talked to some other surgeons who are very conversational and able to discuss their rationale for certain design decisions.


    Lots of discontent regarding Wongs design and communication skills. I went back for number 2 realizing it was a numbers game and because the procedure was heavily discounted. (Should have been free.) I was just looking for good yield and realized I would need another surgeon to get the hairline right. Joe felt that with increased density, my issues with the hairline design would be resolved. I was willing to entertain that possibility.

  17. Thanks for everyone's responses, they were all honest and well reasoned. Instead of responding individually to everyone, let me address them together.


    Regarding the calibre of my hair and my expectations, I had many conversations and an in-person consultation with them trying to ascertain my expected result. They told me my hair was between medium and fine, and did not indicate any problems with my donor. I showed them some Wong patients who had results I felt were not good and said I wouldn't proceed unless there was a reasonable expectation for better results, and they assured me that the patients I showed them had ultra fine hair (and one was a repair patient) thus my result would certainly be better. In the in-person consulation Wong told me personally that he thought I would have a better result than Joe. And given that I was not nearly as bald, and by their reports had similar hair quality, it was easy to believe. This is why I booked with him.


    If you look closely at the hairline pics from #2, you can see that all the hairs that Wong planted seem to be of almost insignificant diameter, where the jaggy hairs still stand out. This, to me is a strong indication that something went wrong. I noted two of the ultra-fine hairs, but there are many more of these ultra-fine hairs that he used to fill in. I would have expected them to be the same diameter as the jaggy hairs. The only explanation I can come up with is damage from the technicians. (It is known that crushing the grafts has this effect.) Patients SimpleSolution and Drew35 had HTs within about a month, and also, in my opinion had poor yield, thus I suggest that there may be something "going on at their end". I dont think H&W are beyond reproach and suggested HTN should investigate.


    To clarify, I DID NOT ask for the jaggies. The reason I went back to him for #2 was that I had a reasonable expectation that he would fix them and was offered a significant discount. He appeared to plant between them, but the hairs he planted grew at almost insignificant diameter, thus the jaggies are still prominent. The jaggies are the primary reason I say that Wong lacks artistry, because in my estimation there is no way that large, evenly spaced clumps of hair could look natural. I don't know what he was thinking.


    Regarding my physiology as the reason for the poor result: There is evidence that the jaggy hairs grew perfectly. When other hairs were planted between them (by another technician) they did not grow well (they are all ultra-fine, almost insignificant) I think this takes my physiology out of the equation. It may be that my grafts require a higher level of skill to plant successfully and that only some of the technicians meet the skill requirement.




    Regarding my available donor, it is CLEAR to me that taking strips pulls the side and back hair down. I think I could go back for another small strip but as in the last procedure, the marginal gain in density and wispy coverage on top was offset by a larger bald spot. I think I reasonably have about 1.5K grafts left, and I am holding on to them for future repair. I am definitely interested in FUE as a possibility, but can't go through another round of surgery at this time.


    As far as why I chose Wong, it was because Joe originally passed my pictures to him. Joe told me that Dr. Wong was "excited to work on me" and that "we expect great things for you." Hasson was pulling larger #'s at the time, but it was not clear to me that either was better than the other. And Joe's in-person results looked fantastic at the consultation.

  18. I updated my blog to include comprehensive photos from HT#2. I will update this post later with my detailed thoughts, but I am disappointed for a number of reasons. The hair does not look good, neither does it look "realistic". ITs hard to see what I am saying from individual still shots, but when viewed from 360* around (in videos) the shortcomings of the whole HT become apparent. I still get alot of hair lookers. Men are more bold although I sometimes catch women looking.


    The biggest shock of the whole thing was how removing the flesh made the bald spot larger and more prominent from the back. Getting another strip will just make this problem worse. As a result, I feel I am stripped out.


    Growth from #2 is worse than growth from #1. Look at the hairline pics to see the grafts Wong planted in between the jaggies to break them up. Of the hairs that did grow here, they grew at a finer, almost insignificant diameter. The jaggies are still highly visible. Based on my in person consultation, I was pegged as between medium and fine calibre hair (like Jotronic) so I can only presume that the "B team" damaged the grafts. There are a few other Wong patients who had work done around the same time with sub-par results, leading me to believe something is broken on their end. Maybe HTN can investigate.


    I wont be going back to Wong because I think his approach lacks artistry and they have demonstrated yield problems. Actually I would like a refund so I can get the hairline repaired somewhere else. They had 2 shots to give me a decent hairline. THis is a far cry from "better than Jotronic result" they told me I would get. I think the 500 or so larger grafts they put in the crown mostly grew, but they have no cosmetic benefit, are a wispy mess, and would have been better placed somewhere behind the hairline to give density. HT#2 really didn't help much at all, was just a huge inconvenience. I can't recommend anyone to Dr. Wong.




    This office shot was taken by Joe with my camera in the H&W office. No photoshop was used to alter the appearance in any way, just to hide personal details. This is an accurate representation of what the hair looks like. Check my blog for more photos.

  19. I think you will need more lke 3000-3500 grafts to complete the front with a density that blends with the density you have behind.


    If you are prepared for a second surgery, I think you can have an excellent result. I would consult with some clinics who can do larger sessions.


    To give you an idea, to get the same density and coverage you have in the back 2/3rds would probably take 10,000 grafts. To cover the first third at same density would require 5K grafts or more. To get decent coverage in front will take 3K+.


    Good luck

  20. After the first transplant he did say that the top hair would thin out. It wasnt clear if he anticipated the donor hair to miniturize or if he meant surrounding native hair would go away.


    He did tell me a story about a patient who returned every 3 years, whose transplant hair was not permanent. He did not say this would happen to me, although it left me wondering why it did not come up in any of the consultations.


    My point is that the permanence of transplant hair is not a given. The other poster was experiencing something close to what Dr Wong described, so I related my experience. I thought it was relevant to his case, but it ended up in this thread.


    I will update my blog with new pictures in the near future.

  21. When he told me that the hair on top would thin out further, it was the day after HT#1.


    The story about the patient whose transplanted hair was dying was during HT#2.



    I have no reason to doubt the truth of this as I have watched the forums long enough to see this referenced a couple of times. I don't think its common though. It may be that fine or damaged follicles may grow initially but give up the ghost a few years later. Or perhaps the majority of the donr hair was miniturized?


    Also, we occasionally see consultants post their "7 years and all the hair is still growing" posts, which seems to suggest there is a question about the permanence.

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