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Everything posted by AJG

  1. Hi, Just discovered this forum (thanks BAL!) I would like to back up BAL's comments that Dr Feller is a true ethical person so I think you Landen are misreading Feller's comments here. Of course it must be a competent UK surgeon (competent in suturing not hair transplants) and Dr F is offering to talk to them and go through his idea on the phone. With that amount of taking out, putting back staples, BAL would have to have a lot of money and time just for the 7 hour flights each way! Anyway, BAL has said that this is not an option, so it is probably trip to Long Island again (or many BAL if you are going with Dr F's idea!) Anyway I digress, I had a scar revision with Dr F in March of this year plus 2300 HT repair in front third from 3 x previous UK London butcher sessions in the early 1990's. The old HT itself was OK ish for the technology available then (pluggy!) but the scars are not so good, one the size of a 50p piece, and removed using a punch and then sliced! Dr Feller cut out two of my scars and joined them together using the removed skin for my 2300 session. It is still healing and I'm reserving judgement as to the HT and scar revision success until the 12 month anniversary. (I'm playing the waiting game!) One thing is for sure, was that the work on the scar for me was a bonus, and it is 100 times better than it was before. It is closed with internal sutures and tricho staples. BAL, I will meet with you, show you the pictures that Dr F took and you can see my scar for yourself. I can buzz my hair down to a UK grade6 ish, even shorter if it wasn't for the other HT scars still being visible. Might take a trip to Long Island next year if it troubles me so much (Not such an issue right now as I'm growing my hair a bit) Dr Feller, if you are still on this board, and you remember my visit, what is the difference between me and BAL? You said that my previous scars hadn't stretched, is BAL much more rubbery? How can you tell?
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