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Bernstein Medical

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Everything posted by Bernstein Medical

  1. Patient QLR is a young woman in her early 20s who had hair loss on the front and top of her scalp following radiotherapy and surgery near her left part. Because the area was totally devoid of hair, she was unable to cover it, since the hair that was combed over the area from the part side had nothing to hold on to. After one hair transplant session of 1,945 follicular unit grafts she had enough coverage that complete camouflage of the area was possible with proper grooming. A second session will give her greater density. It is important when transplanting hair into scar tissue that the hair restoration is performed over several sessions to allow the blood supply to re-establish itself in the area. http://www.bernsteinmedical.com/hair-transplant-photos/women/patient-qlr/
  2. Patient LCK is a woman with a Ludwig Class 2 pattern of hair loss, with thinning localized to the front part of her scalp, just behind the hairline. She has brown, straight, medium fine hair with a donor density of 2.0. Results after one hair transplant session of 1,275 follicular unit grafts. Patient LCK has written a letter to Dr. Bernstein which we have posted on our Letters from Patients page. http://www.bernsteinmedical.com/hair-transplant-photos/women/patient-lck/
  3. Patient IKR is a Norwood Class 3 with straight, medium coarse, salt and pepper hair and a donor density of 2.5. The hair transplant photos show the results after one follicular unit hair transplant session of 951 grafts. http://www.bernsteinmedical.com/hair-transplant-photos/hairlines/patient-ikr/
  4. Patient QJS has hair loss limited to the front part of his scalp (Norwood Class 4A) and has medium to coarse black hair. Results after two hair transplant procedures totaling 3,523 follicular unit grafts. http://www.bernsteinmedical.com/hair-transplant-photos/hairlines/patient-qjs/
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