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Everything posted by ramozk1

  1. hey guys thank for the replies. This morning when i tried it, it simply would not bind to my hairs. I was getting really furstrated so I dropped a loan and it still would not bind to my hair. I gave up on it, took a nap, then I tried it again. This time it worked! I'm so confused right now though, why did it work after I took a nap? Well the product is in my hair right now and it looks really natural. Thankfully I still have my hairline in tact, so with this concealer it looks like I have a full head of hair. I don't really have any patches, I just have really thin hair throughout my head, my sides aren't too bad but it is a bit thin compared to other people. I think I should look into getting a hair spray to keep toppik on my head just in case when a windy day comes up. I'm thinking of getting dermmatch and "painting my scalp" first then applying toppik. Good or bad idea?
  2. So I just bought my first 25 gram jar of Toppik. I tested it out right now and it simply did NOT work. As much as I put on my head, as I brushed it with my hand the powder just fell off. I then just tried pretty a LOAD of it on my head, then I brushed it again with my hand and it ALL fell out. I have thin hair up top, but I have MORE Hair then a lot of those guys they have in their adds. My hairline is in place, when I use other concealers like Jerome Russell Hair spray, i can gel my hair and look completely normal. So why isn't Toppik working?
  3. To those who depend on products like toppik, dermatch, etc My question to you guys is how to you guys deal with women while hiding with stuff like that? What if they try running their fingers into your hair? Ive been using jerome russel's hair spray thickener ( switching to toppik) and it's been terrible because if touch ur head the color rubs off a bit. I've had to push a lot of people away when they got to close to my head and it's impossible to sleep on the same bed with them. Any suggestions or personal experiences with this?
  4. Hey everyone. I'm 19 years old and have been losing my hair for a few years now. My hair is pretty thin on top, but i still have my hairline in tact. I've been using Jerome Russell's hair spray thickener for the past 8 months. It conceal's my hair perfectly, and I usually put gel in it afterwards and style it as if my hair was normal. My major complaint with it is that it rubs off easily. If you touch it you'll get it on your fingers, and sleeping on a pillow is just a disaster! I've done some researching and am really interested in testing out Toppik. I just really need a few questions answered, any help would be appreciated!! 1) Is Toppik more effective then a hair spray thickener? Is it more or less noticeable? 2) Does it rub off on your fingers? My biggest issue is that i can't touch my head right now and the FEAR of anybody else touching it. With Toppik would I be free of that? Does it rub off on your pillow? 3) Can I use gels and mouses to style my hair regularly as I did with the hair spray thickeners or does a product like Toppik make the concealer look more noticeable if I decided to gel my hair up? 4) How long does a bottle last on average? Let's say I used it twice a week, frontal and crown areas and I purchased the 25 g bottle. Any help would be GREATLY appeicated! To anybody who read this thread thank you!
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