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Posts posted by meelak

  1. Figsy - Sorry for the confusion about the price. He did not give me any pricing information nor did he go over the pre and post-op process. I called his office in NJ to get the pricing. It is $6. In my case I will pay up for 1500 grafts in advance but if we get more in the strip he will go up to 1900 grafts. I just multiplied 1900 times $6 and it is close to 12K. Dr.B didn't say that Dr.Badamo is cheaper. He also did not say who will be doing the transplant. I assume and I am going to demand that Dr.B does it. I will not let anybody other than Dr.B touch my head.


    Agentx208 - I am a Norwood 4/4a. I am not fully bald in the front. I still have little hair left but people can see my scalp clearly.



  2. Finally, after hearing a lot of good things about Dr.Bernstein, I had the opportunity to meet him on Saturday 10/26.


    As soon as I walked in, I was introduced to Dr.Badamo and he went through the questionaire with me asking about my health and few other questions. He then drew the hair line and showed it to me in the mirror. I was not happy with the hair line at all. He asked me to hang on while he went to get Dr.Bernstein.


    Dr.Bernstein came into the room, he completely erased the hairline drawing and re-drew the new hair line which I liked. I then proceeded to tell Dr.Bernstein that I would like a mega session of about 2400 grafts or more mostly in the front area. After careful examination this is what Dr.B said.


    1) He will do a 1500 - 1900 graft mostly in the frontal area but he is not guaranteeing 1900. I will pay for 1500 in advance. I believe this is due to the hair density in the donor area. My hair density is 1.6 (which is little below the average).


    2) He asked me to get onto Propecia right away. I told him how I have heard of few sexual side-effects from Propecia. But he said those side effects are only in 2% of the men who take propecia. I am still reluctant to use propecia - I would like to keep my wife happy in the bed.


    3) I asked him what kind of hair density I can expect from the HT? His answered made me little bit depressed. I was expecting to hear 30 - 40 per square centimeter. But he said they will place around 20 per square centimeter. He then went on to tell me how it is the placement not the density that will give a more natural look.


    4) I will have a 23 cm long scar in the donor area.


    I now have the following questions in front of me and I don't know if I should go ahead with HT.


    1) I don't know what kind of fullness I will get with only 1500 grafts. If people can still see my scalp in the front area, is it worth going thru the pain, the scar and spending over 12K to do this HT?


    2) Should I bite the bullet and try propecia for six months to a year and see if I experience complete hair re-growth. If not I can go with HT.


    3) Should I just give up this entire HT idea and accept to live with the hair loss.


    What do you guys think? I am definitely planning to go to their open house next month and see the real patients there. May be that will give some kind of idea as to what 1500 graft procedure will look like.



  3. Finally, after hearing a lot of good things about Dr.Bernstein, I had the opportunity to meet him on Saturday 10/26.


    As soon as I walked in, I was introduced to Dr.Badamo and he went through the questionaire with me asking about my health and few other questions. He then drew the hair line and showed it to me in the mirror. I was not happy with the hair line at all. He asked me to hang on while he went to get Dr.Bernstein.


    Dr.Bernstein came into the room, he completely erased the hairline drawing and re-drew the new hair line which I liked. I then proceeded to tell Dr.Bernstein that I would like a mega session of about 2400 grafts or more mostly in the front area. After careful examination this is what Dr.B said.


    1) He will do a 1500 - 1900 graft mostly in the frontal area but he is not guaranteeing 1900. I will pay for 1500 in advance. I believe this is due to the hair density in the donor area. My hair density is 1.6 (which is little below the average).


    2) He asked me to get onto Propecia right away. I told him how I have heard of few sexual side-effects from Propecia. But he said those side effects are only in 2% of the men who take propecia. I am still reluctant to use propecia - I would like to keep my wife happy in the bed.


    3) I asked him what kind of hair density I can expect from the HT? His answered made me little bit depressed. I was expecting to hear 30 - 40 per square centimeter. But he said they will place around 20 per square centimeter. He then went on to tell me how it is the placement not the density that will give a more natural look.


    4) I will have a 23 cm long scar in the donor area.


    I now have the following questions in front of me and I don't know if I should go ahead with HT.


    1) I don't know what kind of fullness I will get with only 1500 grafts. If people can still see my scalp in the front area, is it worth going thru the pain, the scar and spending over 12K to do this HT?


    2) Should I bite the bullet and try propecia for six months to a year and see if I experience complete hair re-growth. If not I can go with HT.


    3) Should I just give up this entire HT idea and accept to live with the hair loss.


    What do you guys think? I am definitely planning to go to their open house next month and see the real patients there. May be that will give some kind of idea as to what 1500 graft procedure will look like.



  4. After so much research and reading about HT, I have finally decided to go with Dr.Bernstein from NHI. I am going to meet him this saturday and see what he has to say. I am a Norwood 4/4A. I am very keen on getting good frontal density - so I think a 2000 graft procedure may be required. If this consultation goes fine I am planning to schedule a December surgery. The only negative I have about Dr.B so far is the $6 he charges per graft. I would have been happy if it was $4 like some of the other good doctors charge.


    I also met a surgeon at Bosley. The impression I got is that their practice is very commercialized and they are not very open about some of the things.


    I would like to hear any suggestions/comments or questions I should ask Dr.B. Anything in general I should look out for during this consultation.





  5. After so much research and reading about HT, I have finally decided to go with Dr.Bernstein from NHI. I am going to meet him this saturday and see what he has to say. I am a Norwood 4/4A. I am very keen on getting good frontal density - so I think a 2000 graft procedure may be required. If this consultation goes fine I am planning to schedule a December surgery. The only negative I have about Dr.B so far is the $6 he charges per graft. I would have been happy if it was $4 like some of the other good doctors charge.


    I also met a surgeon at Bosley. The impression I got is that their practice is very commercialized and they are not very open about some of the things.


    I would like to hear any suggestions/comments or questions I should ask Dr.B. Anything in general I should look out for during this consultation.





  6. Thanks Figsy for the feedback. I did go back and read all your posts and in one of them you have mentioned that the doctor himself doesn't place the grafts - his technicians do it. I am not happy with this. Do all the doctors let their technicians do it? It will definitely give me comfort feeling if my doctor is doing everything. Also, is he really in the top 3 in the world? WOW!!


    This is a question for everybody. Why do we have to pay the entire fee up front? Why can't the doctors get half before and half after the procedure. This way there is some pressure on them not to screw it up.


    Thanks again!!

  7. Hellow everybody,


    I am thinking of choosing Dr.Bernstein for my HT procedure. He is from NHI and practices in NJ and NY. I don't know a lot about this doctor. Is there anybody out there who had HT done by this doctor and if so, how good or bad he is. I would like to know the good and bad please.


    Also, if there is any link to any websites for this doctor would be appreciated. I went to the NHI websites and it doesn't say much about this doctor. Please help!!



  8. Hellow everybody,


    I am thinking of choosing Dr.Bernstein for my HT procedure. He is from NHI and practices in NJ and NY. I don't know a lot about this doctor. Is there anybody out there who had HT done by this doctor and if so, how good or bad he is. I would like to know the good and bad please.


    Also, if there is any link to any websites for this doctor would be appreciated. I went to the NHI websites and it doesn't say much about this doctor. Please help!!



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