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Everything posted by Giggsy

  1. So two and a half weeks passes by and I am still shedding hair in the same amounts if not more. I am starting to notice my scalp more and more and it is definitely starting to look more and more like diffused thinning on the crown. I went to get some lab work done with my physician, but I haven't gotten the results yet.
  2. Let me introduce myself. I am 25 year old Caucasian-male and I work in the software industry. About three weeks ago I went to get a hair cut as I usually do every 2-4 weeks. But this time, while the hair stylist was cutting my hair in the front, I noticed that I can see my scalp more than I had ever noticed before. My father, who is deceased now, had a full head of hair when he passed away at the age of 44. His brother though, my uncle, has a MPB since his mid-30s and now well into his early 50s. Six months ago I was diagnosed with Psoriasis on my body. My scalp sometimes itches and sheds skin and I use a special shampoo once or twice every few months to get rid of the dandruff and itchiness. I don't have scaly Psoriasis patches on my had that should cause this(me thinks). Since I had the most terrifying experience I've ever had at Supercuts, I decided to monitor the next weeks or months, and see if I was losing hair. During the three weeks so far, I noticed that I am starting to leave more and more hair behind me. A little bit on my desk, more & more around my bathroom counter and sink. Even last night, while I was taking an exam, a few single hairs fell on the test itself. I've been obsessing about it for the past 3 weeks, but at the same time kept telling myself that it's normal to shed hair daily. After all it's normal to shed 50-100 hairs a day. (Denial?) I have thick and wavy hair and must wash it in the mornings before work to make it manageable. Although, it's been a week since the last time I used the sink for this purpose. This morning I was running late to work and washed my hair in the sink as I often do. . After I got done washing, I noticed that the sink was full of hair. It has never happened to me before that I shed so much hair after washing it. I am sure I'd have noticed it before even if I had never purposely tried to pay attention to it. Last week when I washed my hair in the sink it was just about 10 hairs left behind and I didn't know if it was a lot. I am no expert, but my gut told me something wasn't right so I counted it again today and there were over 30 hair strings left behind. I am not sure what to do. I am not sure if this is due to stress (I don't feel more stressed than usual), lack of sleep, excessive ejaculation, SingulAir 10 (antihistamine prescription medicine) I started taking five weeks ago, or if it is the devil itself -- Male-pattern baldness. As I mentioned before, I have very thick and wavy hair, but I am starting to notice more of my scalp in the front than I had ever noticed before. It is minimal, but I am noticing it. How do I know if I am balding for sure though? Should I start using Rogaine/Propecia or wait longer? Why do I get a "stinging" sensation on my scalp lateley? To many questions to ask! I have no clue if this is rapid hair loss or I just started noticing it, but I can tell you that 2 months ago I didn't notice my scalp as much as I do now.
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