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52nd Week (One Year)

52nd Week (One Year)

I finally approached my one year anniversary date! As a first time hair-transplant patient, the past year has been an incredible adventure. The first two weeks, I could not stop looking at the mirror. The 2nd and 3rd month, it was a difficult period of seeing most of my hair shed out. Then came 4th and 5th month where the fun began. Seeing my hair grew slowly day by day was exciting and gave me a sense of hope that my results will turn out fine. Most patients still has about 2-3% more growth by the 18th month post-op. but I'll probably won't notice this.

Now that the year is over, my results has given me some coverage (no longer that bald look), but certainly not excellent density given the level of my hairloss and number of grafts received. If I comb my hair down and shine a bright light on top of my head, the density is not quite there yet, especially in the back-end of the transplant section (or bald hairline area). So one more procedure will certainly give me better density whenever I decide to do this.

I have not even had a haircut on my transplant hair. I've only cut a few hair in the front that were starting to touch my eyeballs. So leaving my hair longer allows me to comb my hair to the back or sideways in order to cover the less dense area in the back-end of my transplant section (or bald hairline area).

I appreciated all the kind words and support from the comments. Thank you all for visiting, and I hope my photo dairy was informative. This will be my last photo update (at least until my next procedure). (YEAH! No more annoying daily photos.) Amazingly, I've never missed one photo day in the past year. I've came close to forgetting to take photos several times, and some photos were taken after midnight. =)

I will schedule a one-year follow up appointment with Dr Diep to access my results and discuss about a 2nd procedure.

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