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dissatisfied with hair transplant in new delhi- India



#Sareen Hair clinic (new-delhi ) india.

one of the worst Hair Transplant centre i would say !!! after waiting for 11 months and cold response from the doctor and clinic i am fed up and writing it on this forum to share my story.

27 year old male, androgenic alopecia, struck at the age of 19 and i almost lost it all at 23 , but i thought to try a doctor and his advice i started taking Finastride 1mg, 10 mg biotin and 5% topical minoxidil solution. and it worked well after 8-12 months and i had hair which i could keep short (army style) and maintained it for 4 years though at times i could see that they started getting less dense (mnay be because of lifestyle or stress as i never discontinues minoxidil but yes i d0 stop finastride for 15 days every 3 months ) so finally i decided to get hair transplant done.

i paid 50000 INR(900 USD) of my hard earned money last year dec 2013 for unlimited grafts and what i was told was some 3200 grafts were transplanted.!(which i doubt)

let alone grafts the overall service is pathetic, right from pre op to post op. no followups no courtesies all they want is money.

now about the results. i guess i was way much better before the transplant as the grafts infused and the hairline pattern are worst, it rather makes you look overage as you cant actually grow them well and it looks bad.

the art of transplant is yet a long way for them to learn and understand.

i never felt that they analysed my condition well and plan the procedure as per my needs, they just did for the heck of doint it caz m paying money.

i mailed my photographs to a known surgeon in chandigarh and i was told that the grafts are not more then 1200-1400(which would not at all serve the purpose).

i regret my decision for Choosing them. i am extremely dissatisfied with the expirence. i even went to go myself 3 times for follow-up on progress. the doctor and mr Naveen (who takes care of marketing one of the co-owners) were not at all courteous to address the issue or admit that the procedure has gone bad. i want my money back else i know how to use the power of social network and blogs to do wonders to the reputation. i have the regular updaes and photographs of the immediate post op procedure .

i would sincerly look for some advise my questions are-

its been 11 months post op , do i need to wait more

does it look like i had 3200 grafts transplanted on my scalp?

shall i consider getting transplant again?

replies are eagerly awaited

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Sorry to hear about the poor experience. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help.




Blake (Future_HT_Doc)

Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant

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