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Mega session Dr Feriduni



Mega-Session with Dr Feriduni

Hair characteristics Donor 110/cm2









Hello my name is Jorden; I’m from the South East of England and would like to share with you my relationship with my ever decreasing hairline and it restorative journey.

I’ve been losing my hair since my early 20’s at a very slow pace, that is until I hit my thirties. I’m now 40 and I have a NW5/6 pattern hair loss (see figure 1). Needless to say this has had a devastating impact on my life, resulting in a complete change of personality and a failed marriage to boot. I now know that hairloss isn’t completely to blame for a shattering bout of depression, but it’s a massive contributing factor and if you’re not at your best to deal with it, it can grind you to a permanent halt. First of all a quick word regarding my hair density, I was told by the doctor that that was basically a freak of nature and that I’m a very lucky guy to have my type of hair characteristics, all though at that particular moment I wasn’t feeling anywhere near a lucky man, particular as I’ve just forked out £12k which had emptied my bank account which had taken me so long to save, and let’s face it no guarantee of a satisfactory result, nevertheless the density/ hair characteristic was the first real big positive.

Ok now let’s move on, I started off like the rest of us trying to establish a treatment type and a reputable doctor. I followed several blogs and hairloss sites and after 1 year decided on FUE with DR Feriduni (I had a consolation over the web and it was decided I’ll need approx. 5500 grafts, over 2 sessions). I based my decision on let’s say best informative and educated guess, I state guess as no one really knows exactly what goes on behind the surgery doors all the time and as the industry is steeped in spin and false promises I had my reservations . As you might of sensed I’ve got quite a suspicious kind of personality and all the information which had been documented regarding Dr Feriduin was nothing short of sensational , he was painted as this unbelievable guy almost godlike. Now I wasn’t going into this believing half of what I read, but let me tell you this, the guy is not only a magician he is actually the most compassionate, empathetic and sincere Dr I have ever had the fortune to meet. Now the sceptics out there will be saying ‘here we go, another one to blow smoke up the arse of a fue Dr. Well this isn’t true and let me explain why, with my first point (and in no particular importance);

We discussed at length my personal mental health (depression) Dr Feriduni decided to take upon himself to explore some options through the use of his contacts (in mental health field) he established an non-prescribed treatment currently on the market. He gave me a copy of instructions/ suggestion on how to deal with it. Now this act alone may have been reasonably time consuming and it shows that the guy actually cares about his clients/patients.

The next huge impression he made was something that’ll I never forget and still in a little bit of shock that it actually happen. This is where my next bit of good fortune came in. Once we started the procedure (session 1, 3500 grafts over 2 days) it was quite clear to the Dr that I was a 1 in a million candidate for a FUE HT. The Dr informed me after only 3 hours that his team (who Ill mention later) had managed to extract over 3500 grafts. Now for the techies out there they’ll confirm this is an absolutely unbelievable effort and opened up several doors with a potential to hit the HT jackpot. Dr Feriduni then made the incision and his team began inserting the grafts into my scalp. This was all completed in a total of 6 hours(see figure 2 post 3500). At this point I thought great, it’s halved the surgery time and I can be on my way home to recover sooner than expected. This when Dr Feriduni invited me into his office to discuss further options. Dr Feriduni was clear about my financial situation from the onset, although this didn’t seem to concern him. The Dr was intent on finishing my treatment in its entirety in just the 1 session (2days). I explained again that I was unable to pay for further treatment as this had completely wiped me out. To my total shock the Dr suggested that I pay over the next 12 month at almost half £/Fu then what he charges universally. He said that my hair characteristics were so strong he predicted he could produce one of his most impressive FUE HT he’s ever created. He also made clear that he sympathised with my personal situation and was conscious of achieving a result to help in that regard. This act of kindness just cements what myself and every other person is saying about the man, an absolute out and out gentlemen. With my case he obviously wanted to display his talents on a good candidate (possibly for PR benefits) but the guy still has overheads and this wasn’t just about the money to him he was more concerned on what truly was the best for his patient. It was a true act of humanity, which may seem extreme to some but those who are really struggling with hairloss will truly understand.

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

The 2nd day was a lot quicker although I was relieved of this as I just wanted to find my home comforts and recovery as soon as possible. A further 1800 grafts were implanted as shown on figure 4

Figure 4



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  • Senior Member

Hi Jordan,


Congratulations! Look forward to updates.


Blake (Future_HT_Doc)

Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant

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Hi Jordan,

thank you for your post, I can really identify with your initial skepticism and appreciation for a compassionate doctor for this.


I could not see the pics of your head, can you email them to me? k2_zb@yahoo.com

would you mind sharing what the cost of the treatment was?



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