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50 years in and 830 Grafts



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Hello out there,

I started gradually losing the density of my hair in my early thirties, I started on a course of propecia and minoxodil, and was on this for over 10 years. I can honestly say it was a good thing to do as my hairloss over the next 10 years was very limited.

I wrongly or rightly came off the above as I did find that the propecia did give me some unwanted sexual side effects and was embarking on a new relationship which was a higher priority shall we say than my hair. I planned to let my hair fall out naturally and then have a transplant. Which I did, it took a good year for the propecia to wear off and when I had the transplant it was just the frontal area and to be honest there was not that much thinning although enough to have a couple of comments, I had about 1000 grafts (FUT) with the Wimpole clinic. It was ok and looking back I could see the difference but my hair was still thinning so I backed this up with hair fibes (toppik and nanogen).

I am now 50 years old and after a couple of shocking looking photos I noticed my hair was really too thin for me and I was also getting a very minor bit of thinning at the crown.

So for the last 9 months I have been back on the propecia and minoxidil and I do really think these products make a difference in stabilising hair loss.I do think I have got through the sexual side effects as my libido has comeback after 6 months, I just don't feel like sex as much as I use to (but then again I am 50 so does this play a part?)

Yesterday 21st August 2014 I have had a 830 graft FUE under the guidance of Edward Ball ast Ziering in Hammersmith.

I did a lot of reseach into choosing the right surgeon and company and I have to say I think I picked the best. I am very pleased with how the whole day went and from what I can see I think the results are going to be very good.

A piece of advice try and meet the surgeon (not just the consultant) as this helped tremendously in making my decision to go FUE and not FUT (something the consultant tried to persuade me into). Each person has there own set of circumstances/hairloss and FUE maybe right for me but for others FUT.

This is a blog to show progress so check back at 14 days, 1 month, 3 months, 5.... etc, fingers crossed!

Apologies to those who think I already have a good amount of hair, but it is what your comfortable/confident with!

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Congratulations! Thank you for sharing.


Blake (Future_HT_Doc)

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