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HT with Dr. Glenn Charles of the Charles Medical Group of Boca Raton, Florida.




I recently mustered up enough courage to undergo a hair transplant. I selected Dr. Glenn Charles of the Charles Medical Group in Boca Raton, Florida as my surgeon. The procedure was not painful and Dr. Charles and his staff were very professional. I am very happy that I choose Dr. Charles to be my hair transplant surgeon.

Day 1- Procedure for 1500 follicles along hairline completed. The duration of the procedure was about 5 hours in length. At night, I had some mild discomfort in the back of my head, but I was still able to sleep throughout the night.

Day 2- I returned to Dr. Charles's office for a wash. The wash lasted about 15 minutes in length, and it felt great. During the afternoon, I continued to feel less discomfort then yesterday. At night, I continue to feel less discomfort and tightening in the donor site.

More to come soon...


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Day 3 - My recipient site is healing well. I have less discomfort in the donor site then yesterday. I have been following all of Dr. Charles's post-op directions. The sutures come out Monday!


More to come soon...

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Congratulations! Dr. Charles is great. Look forward to updates.


Blake (Future_HT_Doc)

Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant

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