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Hey all,

So glad to finally join the forum.

Actually i have been suffering from hair loss from the top of my head from past 2 years and i think i have lost atleast half of my hair from the top and my age is just 22 now.

I dont know if i have this genetically or not because although my dad is nearly 70% bald from the top now but at the age of 50 i think he is pretty good, also because he told me that he didnt had hairloss back then when he was in his twenties. Although my grandfather did got bald around thirties but i dont know if i can get that from him.

I visited a local dermatologist a few months back and he told me that i can not improve from the present stage but can just maintain this stage to the maximum, which got me pretty depressed. He suggested some shampoo, oil, laser theraphy and medicines (not minoxidil or finasteride), i took the them for 3-4 months, i think the hair quality improved and dandruff did get down but i dont think i witnessed any benifit for hair loss.

Its been so depressing seeing other people my age with the perfect hair and styling them as they want so i decided to contact some doctor and ask if i can have a hair transplant, so i did that and contacted another doctor through e-mail and send him the pics of top of my head but he told me that i am presently not a candidate for hair transplant and suggested hair fibres that i can use till i get more bald, but i dont want to go bald. i am not sure but isnt this more benificial to have a HT now and have more hair than to have a HT when i completely go bald.

I am attaching my pics from the top of the head, please suggest what do you guys think i should do next





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Thank you for sharing. Look forward to reviewing the images. I think our community's resources will help you find answers and come up with a hair restoration plan. If I can help, please don't hesitate to ask any additional questions.


Good luck!


Blake (Future_HT_Doc)

Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant

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Hi Rk,


You sound pretty much like me a few years ago. I started losing my hair around 19/20, with very noticeable recession at the temples from around 22/23. Everyday was a bad hair day and I was too young to have a transplant.


I am now 26 and have, for the past 4 years, been keeping my fringe long to disguise the balding. I've been pretty successful in that most people (even some friends) don't even know I am going bald. Considering how far back the recession has gone, I am pretty happy about that.


However, the problem continues to get worse and I will be having a hair transplant in May which will hopefully restore my hairline. From there, I hope to try to control any future hair loss.


The advice I would give is to try to be patient. Think about growing your hair a little longer if you want to try to cover it up. Some of us, myself included, are just not happy to let it show so I did find it a huge confidence boost to be able to hide it while I waited until I could have a transplant.


I'll hopefully start up my own hair loss blog on here when it comes closer to having my transplant so feel free to keep an eye on that!




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heyy ptmk1988,


thanks for the advice,

also do you think i should try on some medications like minoxidil or finasteride as im a lil concered about their side effects and also because im a lil young to start these medicines.

thank you in advance.


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Hi Rk,


Sorry for the delayed reply, don't login as much as I should!


I don't have a huge amount of knowledge on medication besides the horror stories I've read about finasteride. There are plenty of guys who see no side effects.


My surgeon has told me I don't need to start using it as I'm not balding at the crown. However, it's only a matter of time before that becomes an issue so I suppose it's something I'll tackle then.


I would definitely ask around the forum here as there is a lot of knowledge among the members.



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