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Sean's hair transplant blog



Just had a hair transplant today with Dr. Scott Alexander. I had 2646 grafts put in. I can't emphasize what a great experience it was. He is so detailed with everything. I will post updated photos as I go thru the process so you can share it with me. I was his only patient today, which is the norm. He only sees one client a day because of how precise his technique is. He spent time early in AM to look at my scalp and strategize what I was looking for. Then he spent about four hours cutting out my donor hair section and punching all the holes for the grafts. Why so long? Because he built a nice front hairline working in and around my existing hair. Then he slowly worked his way back to my crown. He uses smaller blades, so the idea is that I get much denser packing than most doctors.

His staff, who during that three hours were harvesting the grafts from the donor patch, then came in and placed the grafts. They worked in teams, one on each side of me. Both placing one hair grafts up front, followed by the two hair directly behind them. The three and four hair grafts were then placed in the middle to crown area.

I was treated to lunch in between some of the sessions. Just real classy staff.


Can't wait to see the results. I'll share my photos as I take them




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  • Senior Member



Congratulations! Dr. Alexander is great. Look forward to seeing the results mature.


Blake (Future_HT_Doc)

Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant

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