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My Story so far



My story so far:- Started losing hair at around 24 years of age. Had my first procedure in the UK with Dr Peter William for 1000grafts to address receding hair line, but my hair loss continued, didn't want to use medication due to side effect horrors i heard. I then discovered Nanogen fibres which worked a miracle. Started to use Dermamatch and nanogen fibres to get the best results. I am now 34 years old and feel prisoner to these cosmetic products. I will never leave home without them on. My hair loss progressed to Norwood 5a, which only my supporting wife has seen. Everyone else see Nanogen and are un-aware of the extent of my baldness. I have in recent months been asked at work and by close friend if I have dyed my scalp (Derma match)......I know....I just want to run away.

Present day:- I have now had a second procedure done with Dr Hasson at Hasson & Wong to my delight for 5396 grafts! I wanted to go to the best surgeon so have been researching for last 2 years. Dr Hasson does definetly live up to his reputation. I had my original consultation with David (fantastic guy) in the UK who shared his story and experience with H&W and gave me confidence to start using propecia (no side effects so far). After consultation David recommended me to Dr Hasson who estimated 4000+ grafts (which I would have been very happy with). My pre-surgery consultation Dr Hasson saw my donor area and was very impressed with my density, coarseness of my hair and laxity (which I worked religiosly on) and suggested to go for the mother load of 6000grafts! Very close indeed! Not only did he take out majority of my old scar but also gave me a full coverage. I am now day 3 and happy with results so far. Can't wait for these babies to start growing.


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  • Senior Member



Looks like everything is coming along as expected! Good luck!


Blake (Future_HT_Doc)

Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant

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