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My First HT



Here's my story......


I have been suffering with hair loss for the last 10+ years. Everything was fine, until I colored my hair. I still regret that decision, but past is past and need to get HT done asap. I am excited about it and hence need to your guys help to find the right doctor. I would prefer a doctor in LA but would not mind doing it in San Diego.

Tried Ayurveda medicines for a while and few others, but never took it seriously.

This website provides a very good information about the HT and the surgeons and Pat thanks for the website.

I have my first appointment with HC on 24th Sep. '13, about the hair and scalp analysis, and will provide you guys an update what they say and how it goes. I live in Madera, so visiting my local HT office to see what they have to say about my hair loss and what they recommend. Will post an update soon.

While I have shortlisted 3 surgeons based on the reviews and are the best in CA, still would like a get a suggestion from you guys.

1. Dr. Timothy Carman

2. James DeYarman

3. William R. Rassman

What would you guys suggest? Or any other better doctor that I should consider?

I look forward for your suggestions.



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I don't think coloring your hair had any effect. I used to dye it black for years. Then I'd bleach the shit out of it for about the past 18 years (until this surgery in April). All HT doctors I went to said that has no effect. Hair is like nails -- it's dead keratin basically. It only grows under the scalp and pushes out, like nails under the cuticle.


As for a doctor. I researched the shit out of this and went with Hasson & Wong who are pretty much regarded as one of, if not THE best in the world. They're in VAN and pay for flight and hotel. You can read my blog as I'm at the 5 month mark today actually...



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Infact, I had my first appointment today with Hair club and that's when I got to know as well that coloring my hair was not the reason of my hair fall. And thanks for sharing your story, feels great to hear a positive HT story. I was looking for a shot of your head before HT, couldn't find it , but your post HT photos looks good.


Anyway, here's what happened in my first appointment with hair club.

The lady mentioned I had enough hair in the back of my head to get the HT done.

I was under the impression that she would be telling me, what I come under, in the norwood scale, instead she asked me to pick. I picked 5A or 6 which I think I come under.

We came to a conclusion that if I do 2500-3500 grafts, I would have enough density and that I could cover my front, top and little in the crown area.


The lady told me that the next step would be to get the room reserved for getting the HT done and pick a doctor you want to get the HT done from. There's one in San Francisco and 3 in LA area and she gave an estimate of 12-16k for 2600-3500 grafts.


I had in my mind that they might put me on some medications for 2-3 months to stop my hair fall, but instead she mentioned I can do it whenever I decide to, no medications needed before, but after the HT, I will be on medication for 9 months...something monodi... .


I want to get HT done in the next 2-3 months, but still waiting for some suggestions from you guys out there, to help me pick a surgeon in California. In the mean while I am still reading reviews about the surgeons online, wherever I can find and trying to talk to a few.


I will post some of my head shots. If you guys could let me know what I should be expecting

for 2500-3000 grafts.

I look forward to hearing from yous guys.




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If you look at my profile (not the blog) you can see photos. Here is a direct link.



For comparison, I am a Norwood 2 and had 3,262 grafts. If you're a 5A, IMHO 3500 seems low. Also, I paid $12,000 for mine all together. Details of that breakdown are in the blog.


I personally would highly avoid any of the Bosley/Hair Club places. They're way over-priced and from my consultations cared more about "when can you start" and pricing than my hair. That was a real turn-off and made me feel like a dollar sign.


Honestly, with the number of horror stories out there. I would spend the money, research, and go to the highest rated doctor you can find/afford. I'm telling you though Hasson & Wong are the best in the world -- just google them or search this forum and you'll quickly realize that. They'll pay up to $400 for your flight and put you in a very nice hotel for 2 nights, so really it makes finding a "local" doctor in CA incidental. I'm pretty sure Mike Ferko (the liason) goes there regularly so you can have a consultation with him and he can also remove your staples probably. Email him at mike@hassonandwong.com or call him 206-274-5166. BTW, I get nothing out of this, I just know how stressful it can be being in your shoes (where I was 5 months ago) and knowing what I know now, I want to help other guys chillax and have confidence in their decision.


Another thing to consider is density. From what I've been told, most doctors can only get about 30 hairs per square inch. H&W pioneered a technique to get almost 80 !! A normal head has about 100. That's also probably why they told you 3500 to cover your NW5A -- that's about as much as those doctors are capable of.


Keep in mind that the recovery is a very long process. If you can avoid doing a second procedure, that's in your best interest. I never want to do this again -- it's not painful, it's just socially crippling and mentally agonizing with all the WAITING. Seriously. Just jump in and do it right the first time even if it costs you more initially. You'll be thankful you don't have to start all over again in a couple years -- at least that's my opinion. When I met with Hasson, that's exactly what I told him too. I said, YOU are the master -- you do whatever many grafts you need to in this procedure because I don't want to come back. :)

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Thanks you sharing your pictures. Seeing your pictures makes me wonder, if I am a norwood 5A or less than 5A, my hair are not thick as yours but I do have a some hair left on my head. Looks for some shots of my head.


And yes, that is what I am looking for, getting it done right in the first shot with the best doctor.

Flying to another state would be a problem for me, as I work on the weekdays and difficult to decide without consulting with the doctor. I did read some good reviews about Dr. Carman, Deyarman and Rassman in CA, but still deciding on whom to go to, to do my HT.

Difficult decision...

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For what it's worth, the first time I met with Hasson was about 1/2 hour before my procedure. I met with Ferko locally in Seattle, and as mentioned in the blog, when he told me about our mutual friend (and my best friend's husband), I was sold. Then when I had two other friends I've known for 8+ years tell me they had gone to H&W (after I was telling them I was going to go), I knew without a doubt I had made the right decision.


Like I said, I'm sure you can meet with Ferko locally in CA. You should call him and talk. Read my blog post about him and that experience so you're prepared for him -- he's a lot to take in at once, but one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet.


Seriously though, just save yourself a lot of head-ache (see what I did there!) and go with the best. Don't even waste any more time worrying on WHO to get. Do your due diligence -- poke around the board for H&W posts and you'll quickly see. Then just pick a day and hang on for the slowest and longest ride of your life. LOL.

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I did see the pics posted on Dr. Hasson & Wong's website, and I must say their work is impressive. l will contact him and a few other docs before I decide whom to go with.


Anyway, now that I have been proceeding with the research, and deciding how many grafts I want to implant and the doctor I will be going with and the money I will be spending for those many grafts, I get this question in my mind....Will it work, does the transplanted hair grow like my natural hair use to in my teenage or most of the transplanted hair fall off.


Well I guess, this all comes to my mind because I am afraid if I would get my hair back for the money that I will be spending, and not that I am a rich fellow and have a lot of bank balance.

But at the same time, I am excited to see hair back on my head and looking forward to it.


Anyway, Thanks for your comment, dude.




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From what I've been told you should have a very very high percentage of transplants holding since it's your own hair there is no rejection. The things that will effect it are going to be the quality of the doctor and technicians and if s/he/they butchers the follicles being sliced from the donor area, the incisions to not damage existing hair, and the insertion of them, etc. This is also why you want to go with the best. You may experience shock loss where the trauma to your head causes other hair to fall out sooner than it would have, but as I understand this, it's temporary and should grow back eventually (may take up to a year)

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