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2100 grafts- HTexperience with Dr.Charles



I went for Hair Transplant with Dr.Glenn Charles(Boca Raton) on 7/24. It has been wonderful experience so far.

To be honest, I did my part of research before consulting him. And after reading blogs and consulting with few other HT surgeons I felt comfortable going ahead with Dr.Charles. Few things that I would like to share from my experience that :

1. During my first consultation, Dr.Charles didn't up-sell himself and honestly did the assessment. He didn't pushed me to come back to him, which made me fell comfortable.

2. Before HT Dr.Charles Patient Advisior was very helpful and able to answer all my questions /concerns over the phone and on the email. Not even one time I felt like I was being pushed over his staff member. I was very impressed by communication and able to address my concerns in very timely fashion

3. During day for surgery Dr.Glenn explained clearly the game plan and what was going to happen.

4. His surgical staff made me feel comfortable. And there were 5-6 staff members doing the microscope grafting. I believe that makes sure that more grafts survive. Staff was really good, informing constantly on the procedure.

5. Anesthesia part of little painful but i was informed before about it. Once local anesthesia was injected, after that it was relatively less painful. My heart rate went up little when I saw strip from my back on under microscope. I guess it was more my physiological reaction , seeing your own skin laying out.

6. Entire surgery took 6 hrs.. Watched two movies , lunch was provided ..

6. I was able to drive myself back after the op

7. Dr Glenn called me twice personally the same day to follow to make sure I was doing good. It was really nice of him doing that and made me comfortable, that I can reach out to him incase of any emergency or urgent question.

8. As I write this I'm in Day 6 today , it seems like receipt area is healing . Of course I'm little anxious to see how many grafts have survived and have I damaged any so far. I have been taking good precaution like not wearing hat, not going out except for walk in evening with my dog, washing hair with cup blow and gently patting shampoo on grafts ..

So far I'm satisfied .. I'll keep ya'll posted on journey.. So far, I can say good work Dr.Charles and his staff.

Forgot to mention Dr.Charles only charged me 2000 grafts and gave rest 116 grafts free.. I have been looking at mirror and curiously see how many incisions i have on my head :)


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  • Senior Member

good luck buddy, wish you the best, you're over the hardest part of your journey, enjoy the results as it comes in slowly but surely!

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Im into Day 13 of HT... and have been experiencing major hair shedding of my natural hair. Dr. Charles did warned of me this happening as lot of these natural hair were end of cycle. I just hoping for this hair shedding to stop. Probably shock loss

Also noticed losing quite a few hair transplanted hair also.. but again i think & hope , this is a process.. trying hard to show some patience here :) .but its hard :)..


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I'm in Day 19 of my HT and seeing lot of pimple or folliculitis(due to infection) causing scalp to reddish and sometimes itchy.

Not sure if this is normal at this early stages of my HT ( i read pimples are common at arnd 2-3 months) .. so not sure if this is an infection and causing damage to follicle.


Any thoughts?


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