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3500 Grafts, FUE trearment @ Maral Klinik



Hi everyone.

Yesterday I had FUE hair transplant treatment at "Maral Hair Klinik" in Istanbul / Turkey, and thought I'd share my experience with you all (with photos), and try answer any questions you may have.

Overall I had 3500 grafts transplanted.

Some background information about me:

I'm currently 22 years old and since the age of about 18 I'd been experiencing hair loss.

The rate of hairloss peaked around the age of 19-20, and I came to this conclusion because of the number of hair follicles that I'd find on my bed sheets.

In the past 1-2 years the shedding had reduced to a point that my bed sheets no longer had an elevate number of hair follicles on them.

Currently the rate of hair loss is minimal.

Selection Process

I came across Maral Hair Klinik on a facebook advertisement so decided to get a free consultation via email.

I emailed them a few photos and got a prompt response from Dr. Tuğrul Maral. I was advised that I would need approximately 3000 - 3500 grafts for full restoration of my hair.

I also emailed a few other places located in Istanbul / Turkey, but did not get as in-depth response as I did from Maral Hair Klinik. This response gave me confidence that they knew what they are talking about therefore I chose this place.

They offered, and were more than willing to provide me with transfers and accommodation for a optimum & stress free experience, but I did not require this service as I was staying with relatives and had my own transport.

An appointment was arranged for further inspection. During the appointment Dr. Tuğrul Maral explained to me what to expect and how the process will work and answered any questions that I had. The day of surgery was then arranged.

Day of transplant

I have a great phobia of injections and even feel faint at the dentist, therefore I warned them about this. They were very understanding and comforting. The way they handled this situation was excellent and I was even less afraid than the dentist.

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Numbing Process

This process was the most daunting aspect for me, but I was very surprised how little pain I experienced. Overall the pain rating was about 3 / 10 and this only lasted for about 5 seconds per injection, which there after there was absolutely NO pain what so ever thruought the whole process. Unlike the dentist I didn't even feel dizzy, and as a needle phobiac, I found this pleasantly surprising and was most likely due to the reassuring surgeons.

Follicle Extraction Process

This took approximately 1.5 hours, and was TOTALLY pain free. I was listening to music during the process.

Hole punching process

Yet again there was no pain whatsoever. I was watching TV thruought this process and was rather comfortable.

Graft Implantation process

Yet again no pain. I was watching documentaries on National Geographic channel. This was the longest process which took about 5 hours but I didn't mind it.

Although I don't expect to see results for at least 6 months, I am glad that I chose Maral Klinik as my choice. They were very professional, informative, reassuring and helpful thruought every stage. At this moment in time I can't comment on the outcome, but I will regularly keep you all updated on the results with photos and hopefully expect excellent results as I was advised that it was a very successful operation.

Just to add, I was advised that because of my age, I MAY experience further hairloss in the future which may require me to have further treatment. I fully understand this and took this into consideration.



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  • Senior Member



Congratulations! Thank you for sharing.


Blake (Future_HT_Doc)

Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant

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  • Regular Member

Hi my friend I wanna ask could you send me some pcture of your hair as it is now or post them here.Thank you.

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  • Regular Member



I am thinking of going to maral klinic and cant find many people who have. Can you tell me if the operation worked well and do you have good coverage.



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