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FUT 7 weeks Post Op



So I wanted to give a brief update on my procedure. Its been about 7 weeks since I went to see Dr. Charles for my 1st ever FUT. Everything seems to be coming along as it should. I am slowly getting feeling back in my scalp and I can see some small hairs coming in. I assume that this is the hair that was shock lost. Does anyone know how long it normally takes for shocked hair to grow back?

I am now off the Graftcyte shampoo and condition and am alternating with Regenpure and Revita. As most have said, the wait is the worst part of this procedure. I recognize that I will need to be patient until sometime in September to begin seeing the results...and that seems like a long time from now.

I have uploaded a few updated pics.

As you can see, the hair lost during the procedure has not completely grown back in, which is frustrating. On the positive side, the scar is barely visible and you really need to look for it in order to see it.


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Congratulations! Look forward to more updates.


Blake (Future_HT_Doc)

Forum Co-Moderator

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It's now been almost 5 months since my procedure with Dr. Charles and I wanted to provide a brief update along with some pics. I definitely feel a difference in terms of density and i couldn't be happier. Being that its not even 5 months since my FUT I hope to continue to develop further thickening over the next 5 months. I have experienced some in grown hair issues which have developed into less than pleasing "pimples". They seem to come back often and I guess its just part of the process. They are not painful, but rather annoying and to a certain extent disgusting. But my hair is long and thick enough so that I can cover up any redness. I am still waiting to get full feeling back on my scalp and I hope this happens sooner rather than later.

Otherwise all is good.  

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