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Talizi hair transplant??



Hi everyone. I have been on the hunt to find a good quality clinic or surgeon, with a reasonable price like everybody els has here i'm sure. I came across TALIZI clinic located in Tbilis, Georgia. The prices seem affordable but i'm not 100 present sure in the quality. when i see the before and after pictures from the surgeons from the United Sates the quality of TALIZI seems lesser. i have been thinking about going to the us but it would cost me something like 25 thousand including the travel and all that. but at talizi i can get 5.000 hair folicles transplanted for 7,500 US dollars. i would like to know if anyone here has been at Talizi and what you guys think i should do or what you would do in my shoes. i want the best quality there is but with for a reasonbale price. any info would be helpful. thanks.


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  • Senior Member

Hi Jordanal,


While it's tempting to "price shop" with hair transplantation, most experienced hair loss sufferers will tell you it's simply not worth it. In the long run, it is far more economical to undergo one, state-of-the-art hair transplantation than risk a "cheaper" procedure and require additional work down the road.


If you'd like me to help you research some hair restoration options, let me know!


Blake (Future_HT_Doc)

Forum Co-Moderator

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Thanks for your reply. Yeah i agree with you.. deep down i know its better to spend more rather than taking the risk with a lower price. But i don't really know how good this clinic (TALIZI) is.. i mean its looks good enough but i know no one who's been there.


Yes i definitely need help in finding a legit clinic if you could help with that it would be very helpful. There is one i really like but i have no idea on what the price would be i have sent question twice about a week ago but havent heard anything yet. this is a place in Canada called Hasson & Wong @ http://www.hassonandwong.com/ its the best i've seen but again no idea on the prices. ps i'm looking to go for 6,000 grafts maybe 6,500.


thanks again.

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  • Senior Member

Hey Jordan,


Hasson & Wong are two of the best surgeons performing hair restoration today, and I think they would be an EXCELLENT choice. I'm not entirely sure on their pricing, but they do specialize in the FUT mega session, which, at 6,000 grafts, is something that would likely suit your needs.


Would you like me to put you in contact with their clinic representative, Joe?


- Blake

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Hello again,


Yeah I've been hearing about them quite a bit for a while. they've started up a pretty good fuzz about themselves.


I've actually just got in contact with one of their representatives yesterday whos name is Tom, he's given me quite a bit of information on their costs, waiting times and everything els. basically it would cost me $14,500 plus 12% tax so it would be $16,240 overall to get 3,500 grafts in their mega sessions.


Thanks for your input. One question for you: do you know of any other well rounded transplant clinics in Europe?

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