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2 month update

I am excited to see peach fuzz in my temple areas that were once complete and smoothly bald. I think my shock loss has subsided and my hair is starting to normalize. I started taking propecia about a month ago and I must admit that I lost so much hair that I was depressed! Its now filling in and Im feeling like the time, trouble, and exspense was worth it. I am looking foward to the next few months for my next reveal.........



Got my first HT

I received my first HT the other day, about 2500 grafts and I am so SORE! The procedure was completely painless but the next morning I am completely sore in the receipent area. The strip scar does not hurt at all. I will post pics as soon as I follow up with the doc and they remove the bandages. I can honestly recommend that everyone have the procedure. It really isnt bad at all. I have had way more pain stubbing my toe in the middle of the night. Cant wait for the 3-5 month mark to see when the



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