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post op zits

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  • Senior Member

Yes, it's normal and nothing to be concerned about. It's called folliculitis, and they will normally go away on their own... or you can pop them. The only thing to worry about is if they get really infected. If they are very large, very red or very tender, you may want to see a doctor. If they are left untreated in that condition, it can cause some scarring.

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The condition you are decribing is called folliculitis. It is relatively common. It usually occurs 6-10 weeks after the procedure. This generally is an indication that something is happening below the scalp(hair growth). In most cases these pimples are ingrown hairs. If they have a head on them you can use a sterile needle and gently poke them and drain out any fluid. When they are red and tender bumps you can apply a hot compress several times per day and they will either shrink and go away or they will form ahead which you can drain. If at anytime you are getting more than 4-5 in any small area you should contact your physician and they will probably prescribe an antibiotic.

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