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2200 grafts Dr. Glenn Charles


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This is my first post on this forum, and I'd like to thank all the regular posters on this site. I've spent about four months reading about the experiences others have had with their hair transplants. Based on my own research, and the wealth of knowledge I've gain from this forum, I chose Dr. Glenn Charles to do my transplant. This procedure was perform on 12/6/05. In my opinion I could not have chosen a better Dr. to perform my HT. The professionalism shown by Dr. Charles and his staff was impressive to say the least. After my consultation I was given his cell phone number. I must of called him at least six times. I received approximately 2200 grafts to the frontal and crown area. Other then the shots to numb my head, the entire procedure was pain free. I did take the pain medication for 3 days post op. I was really never in that much pain, if anything it helped me sleep. As far healing I'm now a big believer in using ocean water. Although I also was using the copper peptide spray, I believe the ocean water is the reason I'm where I'm at now. Which is to say at day 7 its barely noticeable that I've had a HT. I would be remiss not to mention besides the above post op routine I also tripled my protein intake and took 500 mg of vitamin C every four hours. I did this based on a book title "Lets Get Well" by Adelle Davis. She was considered the Albert Einstein of nutrition and vitamin supplementation. I wished I had pictures to provide, but my camera is not working. Though it will be some time before the results are know, I'm happy I made the big step. Again many thinks to the regulars on this forum Without you guys I would have no doubt ended up in one of those mass marketed clinics.

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Glad to hear it went so well for you Slade. Especially knowing that I have a 1250 graft ht set with Dr. Charles on 12/28. icon_smile.gif After reading your post I am even more excited to get it done. So far I am very pleased with Dr. Charles. He also gave me his cell number and told me to call any time I needed to. I have been "tossing around" whether or not to wait until the summer as I have 12 days to heal, but after reading your story it just makes me even more sure to get it done this month. You must be totally stoked!! I can't wait until I'm 7 days post op and have nothing but a mop of hair to look forward to. Best of luck to you in your patient quest. Keep us posted on your progression, ok? You'll be about 3 weeks ahead of me for the ride.

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Thanks to both Troy & Trackhound. For me of course deciding to have the HT was the big decision, then choosing the right Dr. was next. TH 12 days should be sufficient time off for recovery. Just follow his post op instructions and you'll be fine. As for using the ocean water, you just pour some on your head and let it dry for about a hour, then shampoo. I brought back 3 gallons, which was plenty. I've already shed about 50% of the frontal area grafts. I spoke to the Dr today and he said that was completely normal. As far as I'm concerned the sooner they're out of there, the sooner they'll be back.Yes, now we play the waiting game. This might turn out to be the hardest part. I say that now because I thought I had already gone through the hardest part. The procedure itself. Turned out I was stressing myself out much more than was needed. Good luck to both of you!

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Welcome to the Hair Restoration Research Forums. It's great to hear that you had such a great experience with Dr. Charles. Your story echoes many others' who have had their hair restoration procedures performed by Dr. Charles.


Pat visited Dr. Glenn Charles' clinic in July and wrote on his findings and posted photos detailing the visit. This account can be seen here:


Visit to Dr. Glenn Charles clinic in Boca Raton Florida - July 25th 2005


Please keep us updated on your healing and progress.





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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thanks Troy for posting those pictures. Please keep posting them regularly. They are exceptionally helpful for guys interested in the post-op process of healing ect.


Amazing shots. To think those pics are taken less than 24hrs post op. Pretty impressive. I will be very interested to watch how things progress.


Good LucK!

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Originally posted by trachound:

Troy, I went to photo albums but couldn't find your name under the headings. I'd like to see how you looked after day 1. Yes, I find the anticipation and "the fear of the unknown" are what stresses me the most.



Troy's photos are located here.





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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I am scheduled with Dr. Bernstein on January 12. I am getting about 2,300 and some repair work. I have read various regiments to use after a procedure including ocean water and mega C above. Are there any generally agreed upon things that will help get rid of the scabs and speed up the healing.


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Wesley, there's a few things that I used that seemed to help. As for the scabs try putting baby oil on them 5-10 minutes before shampooing your hair. I'd wait at least 5 days post op. It seems to make them slide off easier. My doctor suggested this for me. Of course check with your Doctor first. There's another supplement out there you might want to consider. Its called Cellfood. Not sure if it helped me, but there's a lot of people who swear by it. I have not read about it on this forum though.Here's one link if your interested. http://www.cellfood-oxygen.com/index.shtml Search it in Google too. On this forum there's a lot of info about using Aloe Vera and Emu oil. I believe they help reduce the redness. Last, you might want to increase your protein intake. I used plain whey protein. Hope this helps.

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ya with in 5 days I was not wearing a hat, 8 days had a big party hatless, noone knew. My sister who is very perceptive never had a clue. I didnt have really any reddness, that I have seen others have, I think I just lucked out there, or Dr Rose and shapiro staff are that good or both, but ya Im totally healed just waiting now. I wont post any more pics untill I see growth. My main concern going in for my first ht was how long I would be down, I cant wear a hat for work. If i get another one done in a year or 2 , I wont be worried at all, now that I know what to expect.

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