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Just a slight freak out!!

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Today is 4 week post op. I had my HT mostly done to the front hair line to reinforce it. I've been reading a lot about "Shock Loss" and I think that's whats been happening. The entire site of the HT has lost existing hair. Enough to be quite noticable. I'm very concerned. Dr. Bernstien says this is all normal and that whetever is lost usually comes back. I was hoping for some first hand advise.

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Today is 4 week post op. I had my HT mostly done to the front hair line to reinforce it. I've been reading a lot about "Shock Loss" and I think that's whats been happening. The entire site of the HT has lost existing hair. Enough to be quite noticable. I'm very concerned. Dr. Bernstien says this is all normal and that whetever is lost usually comes back. I was hoping for some first hand advise.

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dr. b did 1285 grafts on me a year and a half ago,

i had some shedding,but not total as you describe.

everyone is different,some will come back and some

won't,cause it was probably on it's way out anyway.however the be cosmetic benefit from the

new hair will outweigh the lost.i'm going for round two next month,i'm looking forward to end

this hairloss shit with my second procedure,the

first one looks really good,just gonna add some

density,and hope it will be the last. good luck and healing.

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