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Information on Faster hair growth

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  • Regular Member

Hi All,

Hair loss is a basic problem for both the men and women though the symptoms and causes of hair loss in both the genders differ. It restricts hair growth


The ordinary hair loss cause that both men and women suffer from is Androgenetic Alopecia which is also called as pattern baldness. Women also experience from pattern baldness and they may also suffer from other causes of hair loss such as Alopecia Areata, Telogen Effluvium or other infectious diseases.


The common cause of hair loss in women is hormonal imbalance which can be due to a number of reasons. Some women also develop polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), a condition that makes them more susceptible to pattern hair loss.


Can anyone tell me what r the major reasons for androgentic alopecia?

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  • Senior Member

Dear Mr Brian,

If you don't know what androgenetic alopecia is that's pathetic. It is genetic.

Also since when have Alopecia Areata or Telogen effluvium become infectious diseases?

The only disease I see here is opertunistic illiterates that are trying to do some peddling.

Have you tried the t.v. guide fool?

Because your barking up the wrong tree.

P.S. get your ovaries checked it could be vd.That's a disease.

A hair on the head is worth two on the brush.

I don't work for commision.. I bust e'm for free. Thank me later.

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  • Regular Member

Hi All,


Hair growth cycles


It takes a long period of two to six years for every hair strand on the scalp to attain its ultimate growth potential. During this lengthy growth period the hair is washed, conditioned, exposed to the heat and pollution, chemically treated etc. None of these factors affect the normal growth of the hair follicles, but they can damage the hair shaft. Hair follicles in the skin remain unaffected by the harmful effects of the environment and continue with their normal cyclical process of hair growth and renewed re-growth after resting for a small period.

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  • Regular Member

HI All,


herbal supplements alone is not enough for healthy hair growth. You also need to take all natural diet supplements , to provide adequate nutrition to cells of the dermal papilla at the root of the hair follicle to remain in an active growth phase.


Roots are the living parts of the hair and so the supply of vitamins, minerals and other nutritional supplements cannot be overlooked.

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Guys, this guy is milking it by posting he is keeping his advertiment alive! Notice the link in every post?


Do not respond anymore, he needs to go away!

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  • Senior Member

Can someone report this guy to Pat



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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  • Senior Member
Originally posted by James Brian:

Hi Mrgb,


Please dont interfare on my post or misguide other members. u tell me where u found problem in my posting.


You may not be trying to sell a worthless product but you are trying to drive traffic from this, an information forum, to your worthless website.


When 99% of the readers here see other prominent posters calling you out for your BS your websites won't be visited anyway. They're full of wrong information and crappy writing anyway.


However, I'm going to go above and beyond what Pat banning will do, buddy. I'm going to get you banned from Google. icon_smile.gif That's right. Your site has just been submitted to some of the biggest link farms known to Google.


It won't be long until you lose even the crappy PR2 that your site has.


So say "Goodbye" from EVER being found in the search engine rankings from Google, Yahoo, or MSN. Hell, even Ask.com won't even touch you after millions of known crappy links have been pointed to your site. icon_smile.gif


And I'll do the same to any other crappy website spammers that try to come on to this forum spreading bad information to turn a quick buck.





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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