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Natural Cheap hair Thickenenrs- Starch


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  • Senior Member

There are a lot of chemical and expensive ones on the market. I'm wondering if anyone uses powdered starch.


My Mother uses it is a dry shampoo and has done for years without any adverse effects. You just sprinkle it on any brush it through.


I tried it myself recently and was surprised, how much more volume I had afterwards. You have to brush it well or you look grey.


I don't know if it would be good for everyday use, and you will have a layer of powder on the scalp, it also may not mix with minox or other

hair proucts

Has anyone any experience,inputs or concerns?

Thanks for the input in advance

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  • Senior Member



interesting. My main concern over concealers in general would be the potential for inhalation and eventual damage to lungs. Starch, talcum, toppix etc all result in airborne particulates.


It always strikes me that people who work at the places that make these things need to wear masks or risk lung cancer.


Many pediatricians oppose baby powder for babies for this reason.


My recc would be to wear a filter mask when applying the stuff and then keep an air filtration machine going in the area where you use it.

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  • Senior Member
If everybody did that the risks of any inhalation would be reduced



If everybody did what? smoke and have x-rays? doubt it. If you meant wearing a filter mask... sure.


You probably enjoy your smokes - I used to once a very very long time ago. and then an amazing thing happened. I was with a bunch of friends at a bar hosting a hypnotist. after the show he came over to our table offered to hypnotize me and proceeded to tell me that from that moment forward every cigarette i tried would taste like shit. Well that was over twenty years ago and who knows how much money that hyp saved me. not to mention potential damage to my lungs. luckily he said nothing about cigars which i still enjoy on occassion.



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