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Growth rate of new hairs

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  • Regular Member

I just passed the two month mark from 3750 grafts from Dr. Arocha and have many hairs sprouting up along the hairline, much to my delight. I can tell the rate of new hairs is increasing as there are many pimples and bumps each day as they hairs poke through the skin, but the bumps are gone the next day. What is interesting is the slower rate of growth of some of these hairs, even though they look like thick shafts of hair. Anyone else experience this? I am very excited for the coming months and cannot wait for fuller hair for the summer.


Incidentally, Propecia is a godsend. That, coupled with Minox (Pro is doing even more) has nearly filled in my whole crown, which was very bare previously. I will update with pics soon. Keeping the sides and back longer to cover the scar and that is working out well, but I have always buzzed the sides and back and now it is itching!

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