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Has anyone tried this before??


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  • Senior Member

Its weird,but a good thing I guess. I get zits on my my head and not on my face. I always had oily hair when younger and still do with hair I have. I think where it's thin not enough hair is taking in the natural oils, so its just sitting on the scalp. One day I use my nephew's face wash on my face and I love the tingling feelings on my face. So I tried it on my head and leaves a great feeling on your face and scalp, like a cool mint breeze on your head from different angles.

I think cause my scalp is clogged or a some dirt from sweating and hair oil. I went and got a face wash and rub it on all over my head. Since then no zits on the scalp, so I was thinking of trying this. I haven't been using shampoo for like over a month, wash my head with NEW CLEAN AND CLEAR, DEEP ACTION EXFOLIATING SCRUB(cool, refreshing, tingle)

then I put Rogaine Foam after. Since then I've seen hair starts to grow and filling in with new hair. It's hard to covince myself, so I ask my girl to look at it and she said your hair is getting thicker.


I use the face wash twice cause I want to make sure I get the scalp clean and plus it foams alot more the second time. Then Rogaine foam after. I do this morning and before bedtime.

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  • Senior Member

Its weird,but a good thing I guess. I get zits on my my head and not on my face. I always had oily hair when younger and still do with hair I have. I think where it's thin not enough hair is taking in the natural oils, so its just sitting on the scalp. One day I use my nephew's face wash on my face and I love the tingling feelings on my face. So I tried it on my head and leaves a great feeling on your face and scalp, like a cool mint breeze on your head from different angles.

I think cause my scalp is clogged or a some dirt from sweating and hair oil. I went and got a face wash and rub it on all over my head. Since then no zits on the scalp, so I was thinking of trying this. I haven't been using shampoo for like over a month, wash my head with NEW CLEAN AND CLEAR, DEEP ACTION EXFOLIATING SCRUB(cool, refreshing, tingle)

then I put Rogaine Foam after. Since then I've seen hair starts to grow and filling in with new hair. It's hard to covince myself, so I ask my girl to look at it and she said your hair is getting thicker.


I use the face wash twice cause I want to make sure I get the scalp clean and plus it foams alot more the second time. Then Rogaine foam after. I do this morning and before bedtime.

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  • Senior Member

Hey man, i didn't. But i had a very good regrowth on my crown, only using tea tree shampo and piroctone olamina 2%. Some ppl say it is too harsh for the scalp, but i was using piroctone olamina 2% everyday. Sometimes 2 times per day... And Tea Tree everyday 2 times. When i go shower, i use first tea tree, after piroctone olamina, and it makes my scalp very very clean. No irritations, and now i got regrowth on my crown.

Maybe cause tea tree and piroctone olamina has proven to have an anti adrogen function.

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  • Senior Member

Hey man... i get it on the internet... the shampoo is Paul Mitchel tea tree Special. And the piroctone olamina you can't buy, it's only avaliable in brazil, but you can find a shampoo that has it.

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