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2 weeks till HT, looking for advice on graph count

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Hello all. 1st time poster here.


I've scheduled ht end of this month and im still wavering over how much i should do. Here's my run down:


* im 42 and looking for a distinguished receding hairline. (not to turn back the clock)


* I've been on Propecia 2 wks and have seen amazing results (see pics, most growth on left of pic) Was on Provillus for about 2 yrs and that was great too, then it stopped working.


* Ive scheduled for 2200-2400 graphs, i have mostly 1-2s and a good amount of 3s from donor. My "plan" is outlined in the pic, PLEASE comment.


I'm Looking for best placement/angle/spacing/density advice in order to have the option to style my hair different ways. Right now i push it all forward messed up and you cant even tell its so empty in front. If i wore it like in the pic people would be shocked.


Thanks for feedback everyone, truly appreciate it!


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Originally posted by Tsakalos:

based on the pic u whould need about 3500 grafts and not 2200 cause the area aint small. and how did u see excellent result with propecia at 2 weeks ? u mean 2 years right ? who did u scedhule with ?


WOW! 3500, seriously? I sure dont want to under-do it, but also dont want to over-do it... so 2400 would look... weak?


I said it right, 2 weeks on Propecia (and still finishing up the Provillus) so it must be a wacky combo. Basically anything you can see at about the 7-8 oclock quadrant running upward was pretty much invisible. Im not kidding.


Im not going to say who im going with just yet on the HT. There is SOOOO much F.U.D., even on this site, that it makes my head spin. Ive been on the fence a couple years and have kept up on my research so we will see. I have told the Dr and firm that I am documenting this and posting on a few sites the results. I have also seen this Dr's work on another Dr (at 18 wks) and it looks good. Again, we shall see...

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