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Long term results without fin

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  • Regular Member

Seems like the general consensus here is transplanted hair is sensitive to DHT and is not permanent, thinning out like normal hair over time.


I also see that some of the most highly rated surgeons on HRN (Pittella, Zarev, etc.) don't require fin / dut.


Interested in everyone's opinions on this discrepancy. If one were to do a procedure with these surgeons without fin, would their transplant fail in ~5 years? What do you even do if your transplant fails after a period of time - can't you not shave due to scarring?

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  • Senior Member

The donor hair doesn’t thin out at the same capacity as the recipient. That’s why hair transplants are a thing. Even if you do experience it, it shouldn’t happen until later in life and it would likely be a general diffused thinning throughout. You won’t bald the same pattern the way you did pre transplant like your crown disappearing or the corners of your hairline going. So it should be a natural generalized thinning throughout which in my opinion would look natural as you get up there in age. 

As for the finasteride topic. A lot of those surgeons like zarev make perfect sense when they discuss taking fin or not. You look at the persons donor and take measurements of the complete safe donor area, calculate fu per sq cm. Tally the total graft reserve. Then measure the entire recipient as if you’d become a Norwood 6. With both of these measurements you can figure out what can be done whether it’s full coverage or compromising in some areas. So it’s a personal choice to take the medication. But it’s super helpful to know the numbers in the event you chose not to. 

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  • Regular Member

Well after searching and in lurking on this forum the last year im only confortable in doing an HT without fin with Zarev. Mainly because of this three reasons:

- Donor looks untouched, its impressive and looks good shaved for the examples that we had in here and in the instagram and other sites. So if i have to shave after 10/15 years it looks okay.

- The results are the best that i have see with only hair from the donor in a NW6/7.

- He analyzes thoroughly all of your hair and use it in a hmogeneous way and manages to make the horse shoe disappear.


I had an appointment with a good doctor this year because i wanted to know if i have a good donor or not and he told me it was good (im a diffuse NW5 but will go to a NW6 in the future).

Now im just waiting for having my appointment with Zarev in the end of 2026. With a little of Dermmatch in the crown my hair is not very bad, but probably im going to have to shave before i have the HT. That will be a good time to see if i like the look or not.

I have 32 years rn so in the time of the HT i will be 36/37 years old. I prefer to wait and have the best than do something that i regret.

I was always a NW1.5/2 since birth so i just want a conservative hairline with a nice density. I think that without fin we have to be conservative and not going mad with nw1 hairlines and mad temples like we were 20 years old.

Im only taking oral minoxidil for now, still have my doubts about fin... perhaps will try topical.


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