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Second hair transplant - repair

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As time being Im in the sixth month of my hair transplant journey. I was a N3 and had 2.5k grafts. Sadly its not going well.

I would say that I have good growth, but my hairline is messy as hell. To top it off i also have pretty appereant cobblestones. 

As sad as this is its only one thing to do, and that is to find a solution. And since my currently situation is a botchered HT, id like one asap so I can have something to look forward to.

I know people will tell me to wait it out, its early etc. but this hairline and the cobblestones does not seem like a «time will fix»-issue. 

Ive been in contact with dr.Saifi for the repair. They have time both in august and september which would mean ca.7months post op in my case. Im waiting for the doctor to respond to my case, but Im afraid he’ll insist on waiting for 12 months.

Have you guys heard of any repair done before the 12th month? Keep in mind that this is only a small operation in the hairline, and I would assume 400-800 grafts. I really would push for a solution quick as I would really be having problems waiting this one out. Bangs is the only solution atm.

Im 26 years and have these months have been rough to say atleast. But as any of you guys the thought of progress and a decent result have kept me sane and on track. I would lose that part if i had to wait this out 12 months just to have another 6 month commin.

What do you guys think? Online I see clinics vouching for patients to wait both minimum 6 months and 12 month post OP. Since my repair would be quite minor, do you think I could be hopeful og getting it done soon?



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So a quick follow-up!

As you guys can see my skin has improved a lot. Been very careful and using kezo twice a week and baby shampoo between. I think the cobblestones got worse as an Effect of the irritation in the skin. Much better but still not ideal. 

Anyways, my hairline is still messed up and I would need a fix. This may come as a bombshell but Saifi had an opening late august, and after much talking with the doctor I am due next week. Ca. 7 months post OP. Ive seen another case where it was done 7 months post OP so its not mindblowing. So i opted for august since September and October is hectic for me, and jesus christ I want to get this started and start counting days.. summer 2024 🤞

When i adressed the fact that i was >12 months Dr saifi believed that is was okey post 6 months. I dont want any comments regarding this, as I know its ideal to wait out 12 months, and this is my choice. I think its another story when its a density and temples issue, and not correcting/filling the hairline. I think my yield and coverage behind the hairline is fine, and that makes this a lesser issue i happily believe. Ive discussed this with the doctor so end of story.

so, Dr Saifi estimated ~600 grafts which seemed resonable. Ive seen some results from him which had been natural but also not that dense. Maybe cause this is a #2 procedure I can get a great density, and my situasjon (NW3) would had required a second OP anyways. Do you guys think 600 is great, or should we as patients push for higher density? I will adress this in person and Ask about a high graft per cm2, but natural appereance is number one Ive learned.. 

sorry for the cropped pics but Id like to bulletproof my secret identity.






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On 8/5/2023 at 7:23 PM, lunchables said:

When did you notice the cobblestoning?

Maybe month 3 when the hairs started to grow. I didnt really pay attention or was worried before 4.5 months due to so much growing happening in that timeframe. I believe I was an early grower and the problem seemd to be more than just a healing issue. But it has gotten alot better a long with my skin healing.

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