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Questions from someone on the final stretch of scheduling a transplant

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Hi, so after years of looking into a transplant, I'm finally close to pulling the trigger but I have some questions before doing so. One question is, in the attached photo, they mention lowering my hairline just a little. My problem area is the frontal area of my head and everything else is fine. The hairline isn't receded too much but could use some thickening towards to the temples. My question involving that is, is there a significant downside for them to lower my hairline as shown in the pic? I don't mind them lowering it but I am afraid of adding extra risk to the procedure. Another concern of mine is over harvesting. They're giving me an estimate of 2500-3000 grafts without seeing me in person. My final question is, what are some questions/concerns I should be presenting in my final consultantion and is there any other things I need to be on the lookout for that would be helpful in finalizing this decision to have the best experience and best results.  Thanks. 


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@robcrank88 actually i am never a fan of lowering hairlines due to some specific reason as follows

-when we are having this issue of hairloss since so many years and we and others are used to see us with high hairline and lowering it too much suddenly will look unnatural to us as well others

- generally it is safe to save grafts for the future loss as hairloss is progressive thing and can hit you hard anytime.

- Keeping the hairline at a natural height looks better when we grow old and it ages better.

- one more important thing is the doctor you choose...there are very few doctors who can pull off a natural hairline when it is lowered to a certain degree...so if you are going with one of those surgeon than you can try otherwise don't even think of that and choose a "V" shaped hairline which helps in hiding the unnatural elements of it...

This is actually a subjective thing and you will get varying opinions..i have shared mine but i would ask you to go by your choice as its your head and you have to see yourself daily and not me/us/anyone else....you yourself can just imagine it looking into the mirror and decide what will suit you...i hope this helps you ..best of luck...

Check Out My Hair Transplant Journey

--> My Thread

3611 FUE Grafts With Dr Kongkiat Laorwong | Norwood 5 | 2nd May 2023 




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