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Day 30 post op-does it look normal?

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Hi Guys!

Question for ya'll. I am Day 30 post op and I can't see the incision sites/pores where the grafts were implanted. Is that normal?

I guess I am just confused why it now looks bald in the areas the grafts were implanted post op.

I know the hairs are supposed to fall out but 30 days post op I can no longer see the little stubbles/black openings where the transplanted grafts were? (Like I could on day 14).

I hope I am making sense. I don't understand why it looks bald in some areas where grafts were. As you can see, I had a hairline of native hair and a good amount of native hair so I am just concerned about the areas where the grafts were (zone 1 and 2, 3000 grafts).

i have attached the following photos: 3 pre-op photos with my hair long, a post op photo a few days after the procedure, 2 photos on day 14, and then 2 photos on day 30.

Thank you so much!










Edited by Ralph kaka
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for now i suggest you to wait. Because its normal to shed hair upto 6-9 weeks post-op. And after they shed it takes time for them to be visible to you in form of "little stubbles/black openings" as you mentioned. Because first thing is that when hair falls then new hair will grow from the same follicle and will grow back slowly in phases (different months). And it differs person to person when the hair grows back after shed.

Also during growth it takes time for you to see them as hair follicle is deep inside the skin so by time its visible to you hair has to grow a certain length inside the skin too. this pic should give you an idea. Once 3-4 months are done you should see some small regrowth of 20-30 percent minimum and by month 6 you will get 50 percent result minimum so then you can be worried.


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7 hours ago, duckling said:

for now i suggest you to wait. Because its normal to shed hair upto 6-9 weeks post-op. And after they shed it takes time for them to be visible to you in form of "little stubbles/black openings" as you mentioned. Because first thing is that when hair falls then new hair will grow from the same follicle and will grow back slowly in phases (different months). And it differs person to person when the hair grows back after shed.

Also during growth it takes time for you to see them as hair follicle is deep inside the skin so by time its visible to you hair has to grow a certain length inside the skin too. this pic should give you an idea. Once 3-4 months are done you should see some small regrowth of 20-30 percent minimum and by month 6 you will get 50 percent result minimum so then you can be worried.


Thanks so much @duckling this makes total sense

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