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Second Transplant after Turkey - Adding density and restoring temples

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Hi ! 


Im looking for a clinic,especially doctor who could perform a second surgery for me adding more density and creating a better hairline with temples.

On this forum names like Mwamba,Bisanga,Freitas,Couto and Eugenix are popular so yesterday i spoke with mr.Patrick Mwamba from Belgium and send him pictures - i have my family in Belgium so traveling is no problem for me.


Maybe i aim to big for my case - what u guys would say and reccomend? Here are some pictures

I always wondered since in not that much of a pro,is this a good surgery result anyway?

I paid really affordable money around 2000 Euro's for 2800 grafts but at first i was mad looking at Fue Expert clinic results for example with even less grafts and with astonishing photos so yea,i was norwood 3 and now probably i should be happy but still there is some bitter feeling about Turkish Hair Mill Clinics.

I think im more Norwood 2 then 1 - Turkish clinic did for that price an Okey Job as my family and girlfriend say but still -they did not manage temples and the middle of my scalp is as u can see not full. I don't know really where should i go or to do.


Do you think 1200 grafts would be good with a top class surgeon to cover it all up?











Edited by JasonElva1990
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