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Need Some advice on my hairloss and what to do! 33 year old male

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On 1/17/2023 at 4:49 PM, Jl90 said:

I am due to have surgery soon and am having second thoughts regarding shockloss and the worry with all of that.


I started to notice my hairline maturing at around 21. I usually wear my hair forward so had never really paid much attention to it. I always had very dense thick hair like my mother.


Fast forward to age 23 and I decided to try minoxidil on one side of my hairline but it didnt do much. I then decided to try out a 5 alpha reductase inhibitor. Unfortunately I had side effects which really messed me up and led me down a very bad spell of health for many years. At age 26 I saw a Dr in Belgium to analyse my hair. He told me not to bother with a transplant with my loss especially as I was unable to take medication. I was informed I had a very good donor.


At age 27 I was on a high dose TRT for a year as my hormones were a bit messed up. I came off and then cycled 4 months worth of DHT prohormones.


Fast forward to today age 33 I am due to get married at the end of the year. I really wish it wasn't an issue for me after everything I have been through but I would really like to frame my face better.

Over the years my loss has been slow (touch wood). I do not take any medication and obviously never ever will again.

I had my scalp mapped and analysed:


  1. Crown seems fine
  2. Norwood 2
  3. Good healthy donor
  4. Measurements for donor 80-95 FU cm2.
  5. One surgeon told me I had up to 10,000 grafts available but this seems high?


Anyway, I dream of slicking my hair back. I currently wear it forward to hide the recession but wind and swimming pools are my enemy. I want to live and be free and put it all behind me but I am concerned I am to focused on having great hair for my wedding day and am being blinded by that. I am concerned about shock loss of the native hair etc.


Any thoughts would be appreciated. 


Thanks again


Marks on forehead are where my hairline used to be as a teenager. I haven't lost much in the last 7 years, maybe 2mm.










U looking cool like ths and u cn hide ur receding hairline with some specific hair styles and cn avoid a surgery..

Bt still if u want to go for a surgery and if the money is nt an issue thn u shud consider dr bisanga,dr munib ahmad..thr are other vry good surgeons as well..bt those 2 for me would be a great choice...

U mentioned tht someone told u tht u need more thn 2k grafts...actually to match ur density of ur existing hairs which i cn see is so good...and to achieve ur goals high number of grafts may be required ....

Still u cn consult few doctor frm the recommended list over here and thn see wht they advice u and thn after comparing their results and patient feedback u cn take ur decision ...

Check Out My Hair Transplant Journey

--> My Thread

3611 FUE Grafts With Dr Kongkiat Laorwong | Norwood 5 | 2nd May 2023 




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