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Advice on potential hair transplant

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I'd appreciate any advice/guidance. I'm 45 and until Feb 2022 hadn't taken any hairloss medication. I started on .5MG Dutasteride every day in February 2022, along with twice daily topical minox. I had to stop topical minox after six months due to scalp irritation. At that stage, I switch to 2.5MG oral minox. After a month with no side effects, I upped my dosage to 5MG oral minox, where I have stayed at since. Still currently on Dutasteride.

My questions are: would a hair transplant help with my type of hairloss? I have some recession around the templates but my main issue is overall density + a large area on my crown. Secondly, if a HT would help, based on what you can see in the images, would I be a suitable candidate? I'd be happy to use beard hair as well if my donor area is too weak.

In terms of the images I've uploaded, the first three were taken a few weeks after starting treatment. The last four were taken this morning (in front of the bathroom window).

In terms of hair length, I shave my head with a no-guard buzzcut every 3 - 4 days. So there's no more than 4 days growth in any of these pictures. I appreciate I might have to leave it for a few weeks to get more accurate responses.

It's early days for me and I plan on waiting until the end of 2023 before deciding on a hair transplant. But it would be great to know in advance if that's something I should financially plan for.

Thanks in advance!








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Dutasteride, along with minoxidil, are effective medications for treating hair loss and can slow down hair loss and promote regrowth.

Based on the images you provided, it appears that you have some recession around the temples and a loss of density on the crown, which can be treated with a hair transplant. Note that they might need using your beard hair as well if your scalp donor area is too weak.

Hair restoration will not stop your hair loss, but it can improve the appearance of thinning.

It seems that you are a suitable candidate for a hair transplant, and it could help improving the overall density and coverage of your hair. However, keep in mind that hair restoration is a personal journey and it's important to choose the treatment and surgeon that best suits your needs and goals.

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