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Another Hair Miracle! Clobex for Heavy Dandruff

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I had quite bad dandruff which seemed to get worse 3-4 years ago, even Nizoral didn’t make a difference. I noticed when at the hairdresser it seemed to be worst in one area, when the hairdresser would run the comb through that area it would be embarrassing as a lot of visible big flakes would fall down but I never really knew what to do about it. 

When I had my HT over a year ago my head was shaved all the way down for the first time in my life, I noticed there was an area of my scalp above the left ear which was red and flaky. This was where the worst area was for the dandruff. I researched online and found someone recommending Clobex for psoriasis, the pictures of psoriasis look extreme in many cases but I did wonder if I had a mild case/patch of it so wanted to give it a try. I’ve actually only recently got around to trying it even though I’ve had the bottle a long time - the results were incredible, it totally cleared up the bad dandruff coming from that area in just one use! No need to even use it again so far. Couldn’t believe a medication worked so well, or that I’d been dealing with this embarrassing dandruff for many years when there was such an instant fix!!

I wanted to share this in case it might help someone else discover the same thing, I expect it wouldn’t be the case for all over the scalp but if you find you have heavy dandruff which seems worse in one area this could be worth asking a dermatologist to check for mild psoriasis and exploring Clobex.

I still have a bit of normal light dandruff from the rest of the scalp but this is normal now like anyone might have. I’ve been using T/Gel shampoo which I’ve seen recommended and has been ok but do drop a comment if you’ve found a better regular use shampoo for this :0)

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