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Looking for advice on hairline, graft count

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Hi All,

I am 31, have been losing hair since about the age of 25. I started taking fin/min between from 2018/19 which was actually providing some good results however lockdown and a new job completely threw me out of my routine and I suffered some setbacks. I have been taking 1mg fin again for the past several months and recently decided to look in to hair transplants.

I live in the UK and have primarily been looking at clinics here. I went to one clinic who quoted me for between 2700-3000 grafts, and another who did not advise me on a specific number (phone consult) but suggested it best be done over 2 sessions spaced 12-18 months apart. I was wondering if anyone could provide some advice on whether they think that is an appropriate amount? The idea would be to give me a fairly thick hairline but also adding some hair back to the middle and crown (though they did mention the crown was the toughest area to restore thickness to)

I have always had a high hairline so I was wondering what people thought on the proposed on they drew out for me or if they think lower could be possible (if that's even necessary?) apologies for the quality but I didn't get higher res photos at the time... I sort of went in to this not knowing what sort of hairline I wanted as I wasn't sure what was achieveble. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts.









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You've come to the right place. I imagine that graft count is in the ball park, maybe some bumping it up to 4k. I'd really research and be open to travel with this if I were you, being in the UK you've got some great options not too far away.  What they drew on you is alright, always keep in  mind that that line is deceptive because the hairs pop from that line some even if styling the hair up. I would say explore the temple area a little... not necessarily creating temporal peaks given those appear naturally non existent but make sure that blend is smooth in any design you choose. This design is pretty solid, I'd just keep that aspect in mind as you look at what others have done who have similar hairlines. 


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