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Reason for this scalp issue


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  • Regular Member

Hi everyone, 

For the past few years I have experienced itchiness in the area I'm thinning in, which is 95% restricted to the left side of my forelock. 

Lot of people claim this is dht attacking the follicles, or that its seb derm. Whatever it is it can be quite annoying. I normally only shampoo with head and shoulders once or twice a week, otherwise I just use water. Washing seems to bring relief for a day. Thinking it was just dandruff I tried washing every day, although this helped for a couple of days, it soon seemed to make thing a lot worse. To the point where my scalp was burning and pretty painful, but again only in this area on the left. After a week or so I quit and it got better.

I tried oral fin for a month, this seemed to sooth my scalp a lot. Due to sides I stopped, but have been using my own homemade topical by crushing pills and adding to ethanol, propolyne glycol and water. I don't know if its working, I've no sides and I guess time will tell. But it seems to have irritated this same area again. Some times it can be pretty sore and very itchy.

I'm not sure what I need to do, it this due to dry scalp? If so what can I do to moisturise it? Any thoughts?

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