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Minoxidil after HT, return to working out

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I had my HT 6 weeks ago and my consultant suggested that I use minoxidil and Fin. I'm 47 years old and cautious about them. I box and practise mma which are high impact. I have a few question. 

What's the benefit of minoxidil after hair transplant? Do I really need it, the minoxidil I bought said up to 49 years old in the instructions. Would I grow hair on my body. I have no hair at all on my body and prefer it this way. I don't want to get on Fin because of it having an effect on my erection.

It's 6 weeks now, surely I can return to my sport. I sweat a lot, can this affect anything?  I can deal with another 2 weeks of waiting to workout but anything longer I'll lose my mind. 

Thanks,  I'm sure these questions have been asked over and over again. 

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Be willing to try finasteride because most men take it with no negative side effects. 3 mg/week. 

Minoxidil is a topical agent that increases blood flow to the scalp and helps hair grow stronger and thicker. Once a day rub in. No age worries. 

Yes you can fully return to your sport at this point. 

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