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Eugenix | 2500 Grafts | 12th November 2022


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Hello everyone.

I am about to begin my hair transplant journey. I have found this forum incredibly useful in my research and reading about all your experiences has been very very eye-opening. Some of you are very detailed and I have learnt a lot from you. I cannot thank you enough.

I started balding about a decade ago. I've been on finasteride 1mg orally everyday + minoxidil 5% for the past decade. I stopped the finasteride in July 2022 when I started to experience some sides. I stopped it and the sides have resolved. After talking to Eugenix I restarted it a few days ago. So far so good.

My hairloss has been pretty gradual for years. Currently I am Norwood III.

After researching various clinics I decided upon Eugenix in 2021. Mr. Rishab from Eugenix was very helpful and discussed the various options with me. However, due to work and visa issues I wasn't able to have it done last year. So this year I decided I was going to make it happen so I got in touch with Mr. Rishab from Eugenix again. I had a long discussion with a Mr. Rawlston who went over everything with me. Then I was transferred to Mr. Rishab  and I've booked the procedure for the 12th of Nov 2022. 

The plan:

Exclusive package, 2500 grafts in the frontal and temple areas.

As per Mr. Rishab, either Dr. Somesh or Dr. Priyadarshani will be my surgeon. I have heard them mentioned here in the forums so I looking forward to meeting them.

I will be flying in on the 11th of November. I shall update this post with photos when as soon as I get them.


If there is anyone else on this forum who would be there on those days, I look forward to meeting you.


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I would also appreciate it if anyone could point me to some good hariline and temple creation resources. I would like to go over all of that again before the surgery.

What to expect? What makes a good vs bad harline?

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  • Regular Member

Nice! Congrats! and hope your procedure goes well. I'll be in Delhi with Eugenix on the 16th, so if you're there, be sure to say hello!


Following this thread as I am excited to see how it all turns out. Good luck!

  • Thanks 1

Follow my Hair Transplant experience with Eugenix!

Nov 16, 2022



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