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Side effects with oral fin but right in the growth phase after HT


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Hello everyone, 

I have a problem and I do not know how to approach or solve the situation in the best way. I started finasteride about 1 year ago. My balding has completely stabilized ever since I started the drug. That is also the reason why I got a hair transplant 4 months ago by Dr.Mwamba. Now the problem is that I tried to tell myself that I do not have side effects. But if I am really honest with myself I definitely come to the conclusion that I have almost no morning wood, almost never think about sex= low libido and probably have less overall energy. These 3 factors were the complete opposite before I started oral fin. Now thankfully my doctor wanted me to do bloodwork before starting fin. After that he gave me the go . I regret not looking at the results, I hope bloodwork results are stored/archived in a personal file. I plan on doing another bloodwork next week and maybe when the old results are still available I will be able to compare my testosterone levels before and after 1 year of oral finasteride. Now my question is: If I have lower/low testosterone and get on TRT, will the sides get better and can I continue fin?, should I stop fin and wait 1-2 months to get another bloodwork? Or would topical dutasteride  + maybe TRT be an option? Another problem is that I am right in the middle of the growth phase and I do not want to mess with my hair/transplant. But on the other hand I can not keep on ignoring these side effects. This is really making my kinda depressed and I hope any of you guys can give me advice.

thank you

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